The phone goes dead.
Sam’s brow furrows as his eyes shift between me and the road. “He’s been on the move for an hour. Discord isn’t a mining town anymore, but a ‘disposal’. Lots of empty holes in the earth and it’s where The Brethren store guns before they run them. I never heard of them trafficking humans, just guns and drugs, but nobody just strolls in and out of Discord. There are consequences for trespassing. You got to know where you’re going. Some old mines are shut up or caved in, but some are filled with product.” He pauses to give me a grave look. “Let’s just say nobody goes there after dark with good intentions.”
“Jesus Christ.” I shake a horrific mental picture from my mind and stare out the window. “I went there once to get the bike fixed. I didn’t know.”
“Yeah. They have legitimate businesses for cover. Gun runners and drug dealers will use just about anywhere, but the mines are just as good a place as any to hide shit you don’t want found. Discord’s the perfect place. Kind of hidden. Kind of out in the open. The Brethren know what they’re doing. His voice drops as he gives me a quick glance. “And so does the ATF.”
“What kind of shit do you think Drake is into that he’s using people to pay a debt?”
“I don’t know but, I doubt it involves The Brethren. They’re some seriously tough motherfuckers, but they don’t use kids for currency.”
“How do you know about all this?”
He doesn’t answer, just keeps his eyes on the road.
Fatigue and frustration overwhelm me. It combines with anger and impatience and the toxic mix swirls in my blood like a cesspool. My chest tightens as the idea of something happening to Savi and Gigi makes it hard to breathe. There’s a rage inside me and the unfamiliar emotion spins thoughts of death and destruction.
“I don’t give a shit what happens to me, Sam. I’m going to find them, and I’m going to kill him; I swear it.” The bitter words are ashes in my mouth.
Sam’s expression is hard as stone. His tone is as deep and calm as the depth of the ocean, and just as deadly. “We’ll find them, and we’ll be cautious. Not for him, but for them.”
He’s right. For their protection, it’s important to have a plan. Hasty actions could seriously jeopardize their safety but of this, I’m sure; I’d gladly trade my life for theirs.
We approach Discord’s outskirts and Sam kills the headlights and parks the truck behind an abandoned building. He hands me a gun.
“You know how to shoot?”
I nod. “Yeah, but I don’t know how much I trust my shots. I went to the range twice with Dash. I won’t hesitate to shoot. I’m sure I can hit the mark but can’t guarantee exactly where.”
“Don’t matter, as long as we get the girls.”
The old tunnel is narrow and dark. Gigi woke in the car and is now on my hip. Drake is behind me and holds a small flashlight providing the only light. My bearings are off in this carved-out grave and the atmosphere is eerie and haunting.
“Where are we going?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady. Gigi’s cries fill the space.
“Shut her up and keep walking.” Drake orders. His voice is a raspy hiss.
She cowers and I rage inside. My daughter has never had a reason to fear anything, and I swear on my life I’ll make him pay for introducing her to the concept.
“I don’t have much of a choice, now, do I? Not with that thing pointed at me.” I give him smart-mouthed words to take his attention off Gigi. I refuse to allow tears to choke me, and I refuse to say the word ‘gun’. Gigi’s scared enough. “People will be looking for us.”
“Who? The asinine babysitter or that old man? Maybe you think that junkie who works at the bar will save you.” He laughs. “No one will find you, Savannah—or maybe they will. Either way, I don’t care.” He shrugs, cold and indifferent.
Gigi shivers and huddles against me for warmth. Her whole body is vibrating. She’s still in a hospital gown and it isn't doing much to keep her warm. The pull up diaper she’s wearing is wet and isn’t helping. These dirt walls are pitch dark and it’s cold in here, like a tomb.
“You won’t get away with this. You overestimate your privilege.”
His lips twist into a malicious smirk. “They haven’t caught me yet.”
“I haven’t been gone long enough.”
He stares at me like I’m an idiot and shakes his head. “Naïve doesn’t even describe you. Your stupidity astounds me.”
“You’re violating a restraining order. I think it’s you who lack smarts.”