Page 72 of Bone Dust

“Whoever he is, he’s not her father!” I shriek.

“Oh, my god. I’ll call security.” She rushes down the hall.

I search for the door to the stairway, spot it, then run to it. Without thought I sail down the flights of stairs and through the lobby. Seeing no signs of Gigi, I sprint through the automatic doors, my lungs screaming for air as adrenaline rushes through my veins for a second time tonight. I sprint to the end of the crescent-shaped driveway and find myself lost in a sea of cars in the main parking lot. A black Mercedes slows beside me. A dark, tinted window lowers enough so I see Gigi lying unconscious in the back seat. A scream rattles my insides and, just as it's about to unleash, the front passenger window sinks enough for me to see Drake’s haughty sneer. Suddenly, the unvoiced scream strangles me. I’m living a nightmare.

“Get in the car, Savannah.”




hat do you mean, she’s gone?” Disbelief washes over me as torment twists my gut.

I listen as the nurse explains and learn that a man she believed to be Gigi’s father has taken her.

“Do you know where Gigi’s mother is?”

“I don’t,” she answers. “The last I saw her she was entering the stairwell.”

Though every muscle in my body aches with fury, my soul trembles.

“Did you call security?”

“Yes, sir. They’re aware.”

I rake my hand through my hair as I absorb the scale of what’s happened, and it’s the not knowing that’s gutting me. Regardless of what the security team discovers, this incident will remain inexplicable to me.

Disbelief mingles with anger and my heart races. I haven’t had time to fully comprehend that I have a daughter, yet I feel the gut punch of loss. That sweet little girl—MY sweet little girl—and her mother deserve better than me, but I will find them. I don’t know where my relationship with Savannah is headed but I don’t want to lose them.

Desperate thoughts take hold as revenge stokes a fire within. With each tortured thought my inner rage intensifies. I have an appetite for payback. Someone has stolen something of mine. Something I never dreamed to have.

Though I can’t compare what I’m feeling to that instantaneous love I’ve heard of when a mother first gazes upon her baby’s face, what I’m feeling is equally as powerful.I love Gigi. I think I’ve loved her from when we first met. She’s independent and strong but, seeing things through her eyes gives me a new appreciation for life. I can only hope for more such opportunities.

Horrific possibilities corrupt my thoughts as I pace from one side of the hall to the other. There’s a purpose behind Savi and I reconnecting, I’m sure of it. I’ve done nothing to deserve grace in this life but, if there is a god, Momma said he loves little children. I can only hope that’s true.

I look around and feel the need to act. The first thing that comes to mind is to call Sam. He answers with his usual, teasing tone.

“Hey, Amigo. What’s shakin?”

“Gigi’s missing.”

“What the fuck?” His tone instantly changes as I blurt out the news. “How?”

“She was taken from the hospital. Savannah’s missing, too.”

“Where are you?” He demands.

“I’m still at the hospital but the nurse said Gigi’s father took her.”

“What more do you know?”

“Hold on a minute.” I approach the nurse and put the phone on speaker. “Can you describe the man who took Guiliana?” The nurse trembles nervously and her chin quivers. Her eyes are red-rimmed and it’s obvious she’s distraught. I must hold back my anger and frustration. No matter my personal feelings, I can’t lose my shit. Making this woman feel any worse than she does won’t serve any good purpose.

She lowers her eyes. “I spotted an ID badge on him, but the image of his driver’s license was blurred. Tall, but not too tall; maybe five-foot-ten. Nice suit. Dark hair. Dark eyes. Darker skin than Ms. Grace.”

Her body trembles with nervous energy and she gives me a sorrowful look. Her bottom lip shakes. “I’m sorry I don’t remember more. He had a badge … He gave her a stuffed animal.” Her helpless tone fades away.