Page 22 of Bone Dust

“Babysitting, huh? Looks more like dog sitting.” I comment with a chuckle, noting the way the child has taken on the responsibility of caring for the dog.

She cocks her head like a little puppy as she considers what I’ve said to her. Then bobs her head. “Youse wight!” A mischievous sparkle lights up her eyes. “I’s dogsittin’.”

I can’t help but raise an eyebrow at her youthful innocence. “Aren’t you a little young for all that responsibility?” I ask, not really expecting an answer. I’m attempting to fill the awkward silence.

Gigi’s delicate nose scrunches into a tight little snout, her blonde eyebrows furrowing as she squeezes her eyes shut. A small chuckle escapes me at the clear expression of disdain on her face. It seems I have the same effect on the child as I do on the mother, who often wears a similar look whenever she’s near me.

“I is a big girl. I can,” Gigi declares confidently. Her frown lasts but a few seconds, then she opens her eyes. “I gotta go. Bye.” Her words are accompanied by a quick skip and hop toward the dog.

Through the doorway, I catch a glimpse of Savannah. Her eyes are fixed on the little girl as she watches her drop to the floor and tenderly cradle the dog's head in her lap. Our eyes meet.

“That’s your daughter?”

“Yes.” There’s a hint of pride in her voice.

“How old is she?”


“She looks just like you.”

“So, I’ve been told,” she says with a smile.

Savannah turns up the television, possibly to drown out any conversation between Sam and me. I take a moment to watch her and Gigi as they exchange something humorous.

I turn to Sam. “I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating; she’s not happy and I seem to be the cause. Maybe it’s best if I leave.”

“You ain’t going nowhere. I want you here.” His commanding tone holds me in place, and I realize leaving isn’t an option.

“I’ve apologized for being an ass when she met me but, I’m guessing it wasn’t enough.”

Sam’s expression turns stoic, and his furrowed brow smooths out. “Figuring females out ain’t a talent of mine—or any man, for that matter.” He brushes off the topic and turns to another one. “I appreciate your help at the bar. Dinner is my way of saying thanks.” He wanders over to the refrigerator. “Can I get you some iced tea?”

“Sure. Thanks.” I reply, grateful for the kind gesture during an awkward situation.

My attention shifts to Savannah. Her posture’s stiff. Her lips are pressed tight. A clear sign of tension and unease.

As Sam sets the drink down in front of me, he lowers his voice to a hushed tone. “Don’t worry about Savannah. She’ll come around eventually. Whatever’s bothering her, she’ll work her way through it.”

“Um, ‘scuse me.” The little girl is back, relentlessly tapping on my knee with her small fingers as she points to the dog with the other. “Pet her,” she insists.

I smile but hesitate. “Maybe in a little bit. She’s resting right now.”

The determined look on the little girl’s face tells me she isn’t taking no for an answer. Before I can protest further, she grabs my hand and pulls me toward the dozing dog.

I do as she instructs—orders—and catch Savannah watching us again. Even though her face is pointed in the direction of the television I can see her watching us out of the corner of her eye.

“Sit here!” With the command, Gigi unceremoniously drops to the floor and points to a spot right beside her. “I want you to sit with me.”

Her authoritative way amuses me, and I note Sam watching as well. It seems both Savannah and Sam are used to the little girl’s bossiness.

“Pet her!” She commands.

I snap to attention and salute the miniature general. “Yes, ma’am.

Suppressing a grin, I follow instructions and take a seat next to her. Despite an innocent appearance, there’s no doubt this girl has the makings of a leader. She may look all sugar and spice with her curls and innocent face, but it would be interesting to see how her mother handles her teenage years.

I gently place my hand on the animal’s soft back and feel the warmth of her fur and steady rise and fall of her breathing. The pooch immediately responds flipping over onto her back in a move of trust. Gigi watches with pride, a smug little smile blooming on her face. I wink at her. “She’s a sweet dog. I think she lik?—"