Page 75 of Reckless

“No. I don’t give orders to Brody.”

“Then who does?” Ash asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Bullshit, Kate.”

“I’m telling the truth, Ash. Brody and I are not a team. And I am most definitely not his boss or handler. He’s done some favors for me. I’ve done several for him. But he’s got his own contacts, his own agenda.”

“Does he work for the Wren Project?” Ash asked.

“No, I don’t believe so. From what I can tell, he’s working against them, but again, he doesn’t report to me, nor does he confide in me. We have a semicordial relationship, mostly because I kept my promise and found Jazz.”

“Why doesn’t he want to see me?” Jazz asked.

Compassion wasn’t something Kate was known for, but Jazz saw it in her eyes when she said, “Because he isn’t the same man he was when he was just your big brother.”

“That shouldn’t be his decision to make. I should get the choice of whether or not I want him in my life.”

“I agree, Jazz, and that’s what I told him.” She opened her purse and retrieved a burner phone that she slid across the table to her. “His phone number is the only one on this. He’s expecting your call.”

She would finally hear her brother’s voice after all these years. Jazz didn’t hesitate. She grabbed the phone and stood. “Excuse me.”

She practically ran out of the room but stopped in the hallway and took a shaky breath. Her heart was pounding as if she’d run a marathon, and she feared she wouldn’t be able to hear Brody over the noise it made.

“Jazz,” Xavier said behind her.

Turning, she stared up at him with tear-glazed eyes. “I know it’s crazy but I’m scared.”

With a soft curse, he pulled her to him and wrapped his arms tight around her. The comfort in his embrace was everything. A huge part of her wanted to just let go and sob out all the pain and sorrow. But that steel core within her told her to straighten her spine and get the job done. She’d been hoping and praying for an opportunity like this for over a decade. She wasn’t going to back away now just because it was hard.

She took a few more seconds to draw strength from his embrace, breathed in the familiar male fragrance that she so loved, and then drew away. “I’ll be fine.”

“I know you will, Jazz. You’re so strong. You want me to stay?”

“No. That’s okay. I think I need to do this alone.”

“Very well. I’ll be in the conference room. Let me know if you need me.”

“Okay.” Before he could walk out of her sight, she said, “Xavier?”

He turned back quickly and said, “Yes?”

“Thank you.”

Walking away from her was one of the hardest things he’d ever done in his life. She had received blow after blow today. And now she might possibly get one more—possibly the biggest one of all—by talking to her brother who could hurt her even more.

Fury fueled every step back to the conference room. He didn’t know who he was angrier with, Kate or Brody McAlister. Both of them had lied to and deceived Jazz for years. And though he knew his rage should be tempered by the knowledge that they’d both done what they could to take care of her, that didn’t negate the lies. No wonder Jazz had trust issues. The people she loved continued to lie and keep things from her. And yes, he silently admitted, he knew he was one of those people.

That stopped now. He could do nothing about the past, but he could damn well make sure it didn’t happen in the future.

He stopped at the conference room door, where Jules and Kate were in a whispered conversation while Ash sat a few feet away with a fierce scowl on his face. Eve and Gideon were talking in low tones to each other. Liam was on his phone, and the smile on his face told him the man was likely talking to his wife. Serena had positioned herself in a corner and was frowning as she typed away on her laptop.

Even though they were all seemingly occupied, he knew they were well aware of what was going on only a few yards away from them. And while his heart told him to turn around and check on Jazz, he forced himself to stay put. She had asked for privacy, and he would honor her wishes, no matter how difficult. That didn’t mean he couldn’t get more answers. His gut told him Kate was still holding back.

“Why did Kevin Doyle take Jazz?” Xavier asked as he walked in.

Kate glanced up, and while he noted she looked as though she’d aged a decade since she had arrived, he refused to relent. If she was holding back intel that could keep Jazz safe, then he had absolutely no sympathy for her.