“Have you talked to Kate since you’ve been back?”
“No. I sent her a text and told her I needed to talk to her. She responded with an obscure ‘I know,’ and that was that.”
“I don’t know if he told you, but Ash barred her from OZ unless she has an escort.”
Her head popped up, a startled, concerned expression on her face. “That’s insane. Does he think she’s working against us?”
Xavier shrugged. “She’s not been forthcoming, Jazz. She’s holding back intel.”
“Well, so did I.”
“Yes, but you gave an explanation for it—one everyone understood. Kate’s only excuse is that things are in play that are bigger than us.”
“That doesn’t mean she’s working against us.”
“Maybe not, but I do know that her intel to find you came much later than it should have.”
“Kate wouldn’t hold back intel if she thought my life was in danger. She just wouldn’t.”
He didn’t know who she was trying to convince, him or herself, but Xavier didn’t respond to her statement. Whatever Kate was bringing today would be upsetting enough without him adding to it.
Looking for a safer topic, he said, “Probably felt good being in your own bed the last two nights.”
“I missed you,” she said quietly.
Now it was his turn to jerk his head around and stare at her. This was the first time in over two weeks that she’d given any indication that she missed the intimacy they’d shared. After their argument, she had moved into a different bedroom, and they hadn’t even kissed since then, much less shared a bed.
“I miss you, too, baby.”
A sexy smile curved her mouth. “I love when you call me baby.”
“I’ll call you that every night if you let me.”
“Hello, everyone.”
All eyes went to the door. Kate stood there, the defiant glint in her eyes telling them she was not only infuriated at their treatment of her, but she also wasn’t the least bit remorseful for causing their distrust.
Yeah, things were about to get even rockier.
Her nerves on edge, Jazz resisted the impulse to go to Kate and pull her into a hug. This woman had done so much for her. To think that she might have held back information that could have ended her imprisonment sooner—or even prevented it in the first place—caused her stomach to roil.
“Jazz, it’s so good to see you looking so well.” Kate’s voice was both soothing and sincere.
Her stiff limbs loosening, Jazz breathed out a relieved sigh. There was no way this woman had anything but good intentions inside her. The tension between OZ and Kate had been distorted and blown out of proportion.
Her chin jutted out. She wanted to make sure everyone knew Kate had her full support, so she said with all the affection in the world, “It’s good to see you, too, Kate. I’m so happy you’re here to clear up the miscommunication and confusion.”
“Thank you, Jazz. That means a lot,” Kate said in her calm, cool voice. “But I’d like to talk to you in private.”
As much as she trusted Kate and wanted everyone to know it, she was tired of the secrets. “If you don’t mind, I’d like for our conversation to stay out in the open. There’ve been too many secrets. Whatever you have to say, I don’t mind my OZ family hearing about it.”
For the first time since Kate had arrived, Jazz spotted a flicker of guilt before she was able to mask it. Tensing once more, she waited for whatever Kate was about to reveal.
“Very well.” Seating herself at the table, Kate nodded to Ash, who sat next to Jules a few feet away. “I know that all of you believe I have information that could have saved Jazz earlier, but I promise you I gave you everything I had.”
“All right,” Ash said. “Then let’s move on to the other intel you’re keeping from us.”