Page 17 of Reckless

Even though she and Xavier weren’t in hiding, it was never a good idea for any OZ member to appear on social media. Option Zero operated best under a cloak of anonymity, with all their operatives staying as low-key as possible.

Now, after her preliminary finding, she knew one thing for sure. She couldn’t do this alone. Brody, who had managed to stay off the radar all this time, now had more incentive than ever to stay hidden. He had to know she was looking for him, and based on the look he’d given her, he would not want her to find him.

She had only one choice. There was one person outside OZ who could give her the access she needed. The woman who’d saved her all those years ago and brought her into this life of intrigue.

Dropping into the chair by the window, Jazz grabbed one of her burner phones and punched in a series of numbers. Despite her wealth and influence, Kate Walker was all about secrecy and staying off the grid as much as possible.

“Jazz. It’s wonderful to hear from you.” Kate’s warm and welcoming voice always gave her heart a lift.

“How are you, Kate?”

“I’m good. Little project keeping me busy.”

That little project was the one they’d all been working on for over three years now. Kate was right in the thick of gathering intel on the Wren Project, the übersecretive organization they’d discovered almost by accident. It was the biggest operation OZ had ever taken on, and thankfully Kate, with her connections and wealth, was able to provide an enormous amount of assistance.

“Any progress?”

“Some. Not enough.”

That was all Kate was likely to give her. Talking about the Wren Project on an unsecure line was not a good idea.

“So what’s up with you?” Kate asked. “Talked to your boss, and he told me you saw an interesting event occur.”

Interesting in more ways than one.

“As a matter of fact, that’s why I’m calling, but I need you to keep this on the down-low. Will you do that for me?”

Jazz had never asked anyone to keep a secret. She had, in fact, deeply resented any secrets that had been kept from her by her OZ team members. And here she was doing it herself. But this couldn’t be helped. She couldn’t do what she needed without Kate’s assistance, and she couldn’t share this with the team. Not yet. Once she found Brody and was able to talk with him, then she would tell them everything. She could only pray they would understand.

“How low are we talking?” Kate asked.

Grimacing, Jazz said softly, “All the way.”

The pause that followed was justified. It was a big ask. Kate was not only a good friend to everyone at OZ, she was godmother to Jules and Ash’s son.

Jazz already owed Kate so much. She had no idea where she would be if not for Kate, or even if she would still be alive. Kate had found her on the street, fed, clothed, educated, and trained her. But Kate also knew that Jazz would never ask this of her without good reason.

Her tone businesslike and solemn, Kate said, “Call me back on my other line.”


Ending the call, Jazz grabbed another burner and punched in the digits she’d memorized long ago.

Kate answered before the first ring ended. “What the hell, Jazz?”

“I know I’m asking a lot.”

“Yes, you are. What do you need?”

“The camera footage inside and outside the restaurant.”

There was only the slightest pause before Kate answered, “I can get you the footage that’s been posted on social media, but the cameras inside and outside the restaurant were disabled.”

That was a disappointment but not a surprise. With a professional hit like this, disabling the cameras was to be expected.

“Okay, any footage you can send me would be good. How about traffic cams?”

“Disabled for a three-block perimeter surrounding the restaurant.”