Page 86 of Ruthless

“No,” Gideon conceded. “But it’s damn obvious they’re seeking world domination. What better way to get a major foothold in world politics than to control its very own country?”

“We’re assuming they don’t already control others,” Serena said. “I’m not sure they don’t.”

“Then we’ll continue to dig into that list that Iris Gates gave us. We know they’re well funded, so as much as I don’t want to consider they’re involved, you’re right, Gideon. We can’t count them out.”

“By the way,” Serena said, “have you talked with Olivia lately, Eve?”

A flash of guilt touched her face as she answered, “I texted her a couple times a few weeks ago. Nothing lately. Is she okay?”

“She’s more than okay. She’s pregnant!”

For one beautiful instant, Gideon and Eve met each other’s eyes and shared a brief flash of happiness for their friend.

“Does that mean she and Hawke are back together?” Eve asked.

“I don’t think so,” Ash said. “But I know Olivia’s not giving up that hope.”

“If you talk to her, Serena, will you tell her I’ll try to call her soon and that I’m ecstatic for her?”

“Will do.”

“All right, everyone,” Ash said. “We know what we’ve got to do. Let’s get digging and find out who these bastards are.”

With goodbyes said, the line went dead. The instant it did, Gideon received a text from Ash on his cellphone. Call me ASAP.

Gideon didn’t even question why. He was about to get his ass chewed out for the second time today.

Taking his phone, he headed to his bedroom, giving a quick glance to Eve on the way. “Be back in a few minutes.”


Eve had so much to think about, so much to consider. Dirk Bennett was indeed out of prison, and Ash was right. Whoever was trying to destroy her family didn’t need his help. This was personal. Someone wanted to make sure she was hurt not only by losing her family, but also damaged in an even more personal way, too.

Who hated her that much? She looked at the list of suspects she’d gathered. Not one of them should hold anything personal against her. Should they?

The fact that she had a cousin she knew nothing about might be a surprise, but it certainly didn’t indicate any evil intent on her uncle’s part. Everyone had secrets.

She glanced over her shoulder at Gideon, who was looking out the window of his bedroom, the satphone pressed to his ear. By the set of his shoulders, she knew exactly who was on the line. The shock and then anger in Ash’s voice had been evident. The OZ team did not betray one of their own. They trusted one another with their lives. If that trust was breached, they couldn’t function as a team.

Silly, she knew, but she felt a twinge of sympathy for him. Yes, she was still furious with him. And yes, he had destroyed their relationship. But she knew Gideon well enough to know that he had not done this lightly. Didn’t make it right, but there had been no ill intent in his machinations. Only extreme arrogance.

Turning back to the list, she paused on every person listed as she worked to consider what each of them might have against her. What could she have done or who could she have offended to cause him or her to go to the trouble of involving Bennett in their ugly plan. He had no power, other than what they allowed him to have. So why give it to him?

What was she missing?

* * *

Blowing out a breath, Gideon punched in Ash’s number. Instead of answering with a hello, Ash jumped right in with, “What the hell were you thinking?”

“I had no choice. She was in danger and refused to leave.”

“That was not your decision to make. It was Eve’s.”

“Her entire family is being picked off, one by one. They weren’t going to stop until she was dead. I did it to protect her.”

“No one’s denying that, but the way you went about it goes against everything we stand for.”

“What would you have done, Ash, if it was Jules being threatened?”