Page 45 of Ruthless

Belying what she’d read in his expression earlier, her father shook his head. “That’s not something you need to be concerned with, Lina. You just concentrate on getting better.”

It had been a long time since she’d been made to feel like a second-class citizen, and her father had never been one to treat her as such. Yes, when she was younger, he’d had to protect her, but never had he acted as if she were any less than her brothers. Something else was going on, but she couldn’t say anything without drawing attention to the matter. So she did something she rarely did. She kept her opinion to herself and said, “Very well. Whatever you think best, Papa.”

She was grateful that no one called her out on her unusual obedience as they continued to discuss who could want the entire royal family gone. The why was easy enough. No matter how good something seemed to a majority of people, there would always be those who thought the complete opposite.

After various enemies had been discussed, both old and new, her father went to his feet. “I have some things I need to see to, and I’m sure Lina needs to rest.”

Her brothers and uncle stood, and after each of them had hugged her with a promise to return for a less formal visit, everyone left. Eve had barely had the time to take her coffee cup into the kitchen when the door opened again, and her father stood at the door.

“Papa, did you forget something?”

“No. I need to say this to you in private. I believe the people responsible for these threats have a spy within my inner circle. And, Lina, I need your help to find them.”


Gideon stood at Jeremy Clement’s apartment door. More than three weeks had passed since their encounter, and it had taken this long to ensure his temper was firmly in check. He was not one to go off half-cocked. Caring for three siblings had forced him to learn patience, and that control had come in handy many times over the years. He didn’t plan on physical violence today, but he would make sure the man knew exactly what would happen if he ever crossed him again.

He hadn’t mentioned anything to Eve about coming to see him. She had ensured the man no longer had a job, but this was between him and Clement. Not telling her had been made easier by the fact that, other than a couple of texts, he hadn’t heard from her. She’d asked for time and space, and as hard as it was, he was giving it to her.

The door swung open, and Clement stood before him, an arrogant smirk firmly affixed to his thin, sour face. For a man who’d lost his job and knew what Gideon was physically capable of doing to him, he looked way too confident and arrogant.

“Surprised it took you this long, Wright. Figured you’d come knocking as soon as the little bitch let you out of your cage.” The smirk grew broader. “You have to work up your courage?”

Gideon took a step forward. He was at least five inches taller than the older man and had about fifty pounds on him. Either the idiot actually had a death wish, or he believed he was untouchable.

“That’s big talk for an unemployed loser who won’t even be able to get a job scraping up roadkill in this city. Not wise pissing off your employers.”

“You think you’re such a big shot because you and the princess are fu—”

He broke off when Gideon took another step. Stopping within an inch of his face, Gideon said softly, “Finish that sentence, and I guarantee that you will not be able to speak again for a very long time.”

“Lay one finger on me, and I’ll have your ass back in jail. I’ve got friends, too, and they’ll make sure you’re buried so deep, even the princess won’t be able to dig you out.”

It was petty of him, but Gideon couldn’t resist. Placing his finger on Clement’s shoulder, he poked him none too gently. “Go for it, connard.”

Huffing out a foul-smelling breath, Clement backed up and snarled, “I should’ve killed you when you were a punk kid.”

Gideon grinned. “You still mad about that little punch I gave you?”

“I was unable to function as a man for over a month because of you.”

“I’m sure the women of this city wished I’d punched you harder.”

Looking as though he could eat nails, Clement’s face flushed a beet red. Gideon had delivered the hit when the man, who’d been one of the palace guards, had refused to defend the princess while she’d been defending her tree.

“Just wait. You will get your just deserts soon enough.”

“And what does that mean?”

The smirk was back, and evil glinted in his eyes. “You’ll see.”

“Know this, Clement. You come against me or try to harm the princess in any way, you’re a dead man. That’s a promise.”

Not giving the man a chance to spew more vitriol, Gideon turned and strode away. He’d done what he’d come to do, but the arrogance of the man bothered him. Could be bravado, but he’d seemed way too confident for a man who’d been fired and would likely never find another job without moving out of the country.

The bastard was definitely up to something.

* * *