“Why, Gideon? Why would you do this? Why would you put your life on hold for me like—”
His head jerked up, the weariness replaced by anger. “Wait just a damn minute. What are you talking about? How did I put my life on hold?”
“You’ve been watching over me all these years instead of—”
“Instead of what? Just what the hell are you trying to say, Eve? You think my life has been a waste? You think I haven’t done exactly what I wanted to do?”
“Well, have you?”
“You know what…” He shook his head, not finishing what she knew would’ve been more profanity than he would normally use. She’d rarely seen Gideon furious, but she was seeing it now.
He stood and strode toward the guest bedroom. Stopping at the door, he swung around and pierced her with a steely look. “I’m through for the night. When you’re ready to get out of your poor-pitiful-me victimhood, let me know, and we’ll talk again.”
The door shut quietly on those incinerating words.
Poor, pitiful me? Victimhood?
The accusations whirled in her brain as she glared at the closed door. Victimhood?
No way in hell was she letting him get away with that!
Thankful she could now use her new crutches for short jaunts, she hobbled toward the door, fury fueling every step. Twisting the knob, she shoved the door open, relishing the bang as it slammed against the wall. When she didn’t spot him right away, she charged into the bedroom. Still not seeing him, she kept going. She didn’t care if he was shaving, in the shower, or even on the toilet. They were having this out right now.
Swinging her crutches around, she made her way to the bathroom and stopped at the doorway. She opened her mouth to yell, but only a little squeak emerged. In the back of her mind, a little voice told her she should be glad he wasn’t completely nude. This was bad enough. Standing in the middle of the bathroom, wearing only a pair of tight black boxer briefs, Gideon Wright was a sight to behold. Six foot three inches of sculpted male perfection. All muscle and hard angles, with a light smattering of dark hair on his chest, he was every fantasy come to life. The only flaw was the small scar on his side where she’d almost lost him to a bullet a couple years ago.
This wasn’t the first time she’d seen him this way. They’d been partners for years and had frequently seen each other in various stages of undress. But for some reason, this was different, felt more intimate… Except for that one time that neither of them ever spoke about.
“Do you mind, Eve?” His voice only slightly less annoyed than before, he sent her a scowl. “I’d like to shower in peace.”
Pulling herself out of heated memories, she scrambled to remember why she’d come in here. Then the fury returned. “Victimhood? Just because my best friend has been lying to me for more than ten years, I’m acting like a victim? Is that your last gasp of manipulation, Gideon? Or do you have more up your sleeve?”
His eyes spitting fire, he stalked toward her. Her heart went into overdrive, and she told herself to retreat. But backing down was not in her DNA. She held herself still and waited for his response.
Gideon stopped within inches of Eve. This woman had challenged him, filled his waking hours with laughter and intrigue, occupied his dreams with unending heat, and his heart with an aching tenderness. In the ten years he’d known her, she had become his everything. And he’d had to hide all these emotions because of his obligations.
But now she knew the truth. There was nothing more to hide. No need to keep those feelings to himself. Except for one reason—she didn’t feel the same way. At least not yet.
She glared up at him, challenging him to say or do something so she could give it right back to him. She would not back down. That was just not in her, and hell if that didn’t turn him on more than anything. He also knew that if she didn’t leave within the next five seconds, his mouth would be on hers, and she’d have no doubt of how he felt. This was neither the time nor the place.
Matching her glare, he wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her. Thankfully, she held on to her crutches. He walked several steps back to the entrance to the bathroom and set her down. Before she could castigate him for his high-handedness, he turned and shut the door in her face.
“How dare you?” she shouted through the door.
“Go to bed, Eve. We’ll talk in the morning.”
He knew she stood at the door for several seconds. He could almost feel her fiery gaze coming through the wood. Finally, with an exaggerated huff of indignation, she hobbled away.
Blowing out a weary sigh, Gideon finished stripping and then stood under the hot, gushing water of the shower. He had spent the last few hours taking care of some much-needed business. He now had a car to drive, a few more clothes to wear, and a place to stay.
After he’d taken care of those needs, he’d taken a run through the city, remembering the good and not-so-good times of his youth. He’d even driven to the house where he’d grown up and stopped in front of it for several moments. Someone had updated the house with paint and new shutters. The lawn was neat, and his mother’s azaleas were still lined up under the windows. Come spring, they’d be bursting with vibrant colors of pink, red, and white. She had loved those plants, and multiple photos had been taken of her children and husband in front of them. One of his favorites was on his mantel at his home in Montana.
The house had looked much smaller than he remembered, but before his mother’s death, it had felt like the safest, most perfect place in the world.
He wasn’t usually one for melancholy or revisiting the past. It never helped in his opinion. His point had been proven by how he’d felt after he’d driven away. Memories, both good and bad, could be helpful, but staying there too long was a sure way to get lost. He preferred the present—always had.
Eve preferred the present, too. One of the many things they had in common. To her, looking back meant pain. Even though she was the strongest person he’d ever known, he knew she chose every day to push those memories away.
Now he wondered if he’d hurt her so badly she would push him away, too. They had been through so much together, and while not all of it had been fun, they’d done it together, and it had worked for them.