Page 40 of Heartless

“I think they were deliberate misses. I think someone was trying to send us a message.”

“What was the message?”

“I don’t know. Get out of town, lie low. If so, it worked. We all disappeared after that.”

“And I wasn’t targeted because this person wanted everyone to think I was responsible?”

“Yes, but not the way it seems.”

“What do you mean?”

“I think you were being protected.”

“Protected?” She gave a humorless laugh. “I was being framed for killing and trying to kill my friends, for being a traitor. That’s protection?”

“I think part of the deal that Gonzalez made with this shadow organization was to target the people who brought Hector down.”

“Then why the near misses? You said you thought they were deliberately botched.”

“That’s something I’m not sure about, but I hope to get answers soon.”

“Then why was I attacked the other night? Why am I suddenly being targeted if I’m supposed to be the one responsible?”

“I don’t believe that’s why you were attacked.”

“Then why?”

Instead of answering directly, he continued, “I got a lead that the Gonzalez cartel and the Mexican Mafia were meeting in Mexico City. I went after the head of security for the Gonzalez cartel.”

“You got him?”


“Okay, her. What did she tell you?”

“Not a lot so far. I’ve got her in a holding cell at a black site in Arizona.”

Olivia got to her feet. “Well, then, let’s go make her talk. If she knows who’s behind this, then she knows who killed Layla and Rio. She might even know who our traitor was. She’s got to—”

“Wait…Olivia. She’s not the head of security for the Gonzalez cartel. My intel was wrong. I do, however, believe she’s responsible for the missed hits on the team. I don’t know about Layla’s or Rio’s deaths, but I’m almost sure she’s responsible for the attempts on the others. And I believe she’s responsible for the emails. That’s why you were attacked the other night. I think they planned to question you about her whereabouts.”

“But why? What would I know about this person?”

“Because of who she is.”

“Who is she?”

Hawke took a deep breath and said, “Your mother.”


Olivia looked out at the wet tarmac of the private airport. She’d learned only two hours ago that her mother was behind all of this, and she and Hawke were already on OZ’s Gulfstream jet, headed to Arizona.

The clouds were gray and leaden, and rain slashed angrily against the plane’s windows. The weather was a fitting companion to her mood. Was her mother a traitor? Of all the harsh things she believed about Iris Gates, treason had not been on her radar. Yes, the woman was an evil, self-centered sociopath, but she had worked for one of the premier intelligence agencies in the world. Iris and Glen Gates had been revered among the intelligence community. Their names were synonymous with loyalty and patriotism to the Crown. How was any of this even possible?

She hadn’t asked Hawke for details. She hadn’t needed to. He would not make this accusation without just cause. Yes, she realized the irony. Her faith in her husband had been shaken to the core, but she believed him about this. Maybe it was because she knew her mother. She had seen beyond the façade her mother showed to the world. She had lived the nightmare of Iris Gates and bore the scars to prove it.

“Pilot said that with the weather, it’ll take about three hours or so to get there.”