Page 68 of Heartless

“You’re not eating.”

“I beg your pardon?”

He gave her his cocky grin, making her remember the man she’d fallen in love with at first glance. He had swept her off her feet, and even years later, he could still make her feel giddy and warm in all the right places.

She tilted her head questioningly. “Have you been drinking?”

“No. I’ve just missed your prissy, British way.”

“Not all of us are heathens.”

“You used to love my heathenish ways.”

When he was in a teasing mood like this, she didn’t know how to handle it. Not now. Before, she would have come back with something playful, he would have kissed her, and they likely would have ended up in bed. But now… Now she just felt lost.

His jaw clenched as if he’d realized what he’d done. Then, just when she was sure her shattered heart could someday be whole again, he said softly, “Sorry, Livvy. Sometimes, I forget.”

He had apparently forgotten more than that. She didn’t bother to remind him that he was the one who had turned her down on the plane. He was the one who had stayed away for two years. He was the one who had served her with divorce papers when her heart was already crushed beyond repair.

Since she was good at pretending, she gave him a cool smile. “Come look at our plans. I’m expecting Liam any minute, and we can fill you in.”

“That’s why I’m here. Liam’s not coming.”


“Xavier is back. Liam’s going to be working with him. I’ve assigned them a new location.”

“What about Jazz?”

“She’s out for a while.”

“Bad news on her brother?”


Poor Jazz had been trying to find her older brother for years. To know that the sweet, kindhearted young woman was grieving hurt Olivia’s heart. Why did there have to be so much pain in the world?

Hawke headed over to look at the board. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

“Who am I working with if not Liam?”


She wanted to say no. She wanted to tell him that he could work with Xavier, and she could work with Liam. They had planned this op together. It only made sense. But she wouldn’t. Not because she wanted to be near him, though she did. But because they were good together. It should be no problem to fall into the same routine as always.

She joined him at the board and began to explain each aspect of their mission.

Hawke stood stiffly beside Olivia, cursing himself for being such an ass. Teasing her had always been natural and organic. When they’d first started working together, he had done it to get a rise out of her. She was just so prissy, so very proper. When she’d realized what he was doing, she’d given it back to him one hundred percent. They would challenge each other to come up with the best one-liners and zingers. Later, when they’d realized their feelings for each other, the banter had turned into a sensual, sexy game.

But to expect her to come back with something witty or sassy now was out of orbit, out of bounds, and wrong. They weren’t the same people anymore, and there was too much water under the bridge to even try.

Listening to Olivia in operator mode had always been a huge turn-on for him. With her aristocratic air, proper British accent, and ethereal beauty, she looked like she belonged in a castle. She could talk about bombs, blood, guts, and ammo and make every word sound sophisticated.

Forcing his mind off what he could no longer have, he asked, “So five different buildings. You’re sure we don’t need more time than you’ve allowed?”

“I’m sure.” She pointed to a row of three warehouses. “These are close together, so we can set strong enough charges on the left and right warehouse, and the middle will go up as well.”

“What’s the time frame?”