“No. But what can we do? Maybe after this is all cleared up with Taggert we can come back.”
“You don’t believe that, either. If there is something bizarre going on with that box downstairs…would we want to chance it?”
“Maybe. We could still use the money.”
Letisha let her head fall back on the settee. “Let’s see what the weather brings tomorrow. We can also call the cops on Taggert again and maybe they can give him a come-to-Jesus wake up call.”
Sybil sighed. “Let’s hope.”
Letisha sat up straight. “You’re not telling us everything, are you?”
The question took Sybil aback. “What are you talking about?”
“You can’t fool me. I’ve known you for decades. Something else has happened.”
Sybil clued in. “Well, I got a call from my mother the other night that I haven’t mention yet.”
Letisha smacked her hands together. “Aha! Who is psychic now? I just had a feeling.”
Sybil explained about her father’s stabbing, and how she’d refused the request to help her mother get into the prison to see her father.
“Excellent. I’m proud of you. Does it feel like a weight off your chest?”
A huge smile broke over Sybil’s face. “Actually, yes.” Then Sybil remembered. “There’s something else.”
Letisha’s lighthearted expression faded. “What?”
“I’m almost afraid to bring this up.”
“Spill it.”
“When I was talking to my mother on the phone and got angry, the chandelier started creaking.”
Letisha winced. “Shit.” She heaved a sigh. “Do you think it’s happening again?”
“Maybe. I’m afraid so. Maybe getting out of this house with everything happening is a good idea for that reason, too.”
“I agree. That way you don’t have to explain what happened all those years ago…not to Pauline and Maria or Doug. No one needs to find out.” Letisha winced. “I mean, who knows what else could happen.”
Sybil sighed. “What would Pauline, Maria, and Doug think if they knew about that particular incident?”
Sadness swept over Sybil, but for the moment she couldn’t think what to say. Because how could she have a solid relationship with a man…any man if they didn’t know about what had happened all those years ago when she was in high school? She hadn’t told Taggert, and it was just as well. He would’ve thought she was insane or of the devil. Wouldn’t any man think that?
Wanting a great relationship with a man like Doug…well, she did want that despite everything. Despite having a serial killer for a father and for what had happened when she was in high school.
“Let’s get some sleep,” Letisha said into the silence.
After that they turned the lights off and tried to sleep. Sybil ruminated about what had occurred this evening. She’d loved her dinner with Doug and didn’t want to leave that good vibe. She didn’t wish to forego the healthy paycheck. At this point, though, the risk seemed insurmountable.
Chapter Sixteen
“Where’s Pauline?” Letisha asked as Maria walked into the kitchen early the next morning.
Sybil noted the dark circles under Maria’s eyes. “Packing. She said she’ll be done in a moment. Are your phones working?”
“No,” Sybil said. “We still can’t get texts or calls out.”