Sybil hadn’t a clue what the woman planned to propose, but she didn’t see how it could help Sybil and the rest of them out of this jam. Sybil’s throat went tight. She wanted to say whatever she needed to end this situation with everyone escaping alive. Yet the knock on the head, the trees outside and the house protesting the storm all conspired against her. She was suddenly impotent, unable to do a damned thing to make a difference.
Oh, Sybil. There you are. Weak as usual. Wrong as usual. What good are you?
Sybil’s shoulders tightened, her jaw clenching until it ached a little.
Creak. Creak. Creak.
Everyone’s attention swung to the chandelier as it swayed side to side again, the arch so violent the crystals clacked and tinkled against each other and threatened to shatter.
“Clarice, move away from there!” Sybil said, taking a step forward. “It’s going to?—”
Clarice stood and moved just as the chandelier ripped from the ceiling and fell. Doug wrapped Sybil in his arms and turned her away from the chandelier. She gripped his sweater front on instinct.
“Look out!” Pauline’s voice sounded panicked.
Chapter Nineteen
The chandelier shattered against the floor, crystal flying everywhere.
Maria gave a little scream, the distress in her voice sounding like pain. Sybil turned out of Doug’s arms. A sherd of crystal was stuck in the side of Maria’s ankle and blood had gone everywhere.
“Shit,” Doug said as he started with Sybil toward Maria. “Where’s the first aid kit?”
Sybil started for the door. “In the kitchen.”
“No!” Taggert reached for Sybil’s arm and snagged her with bruising pressure. “You stay.” He pointed at Letisha. “You go. And don’t try anything stupid or I’ll start killing people.”
Hearing his intentions put into stark words chilled Sybil more than the blizzard outside could.
Letisha ran out of the room.
A flurry of activity started as Clarice whipped off her neck scarf and handed it to Doug.
Doug assessed Maria’s ankle. “It looks worse than it is. We can take care of this.”
Letisha ran in moments later with a large first aid box Sybil was glad they’d brought with them when they’d arrived at the house. A flurry of activity started as Doug cleaned and dressed Maria’s wound. Sybil helped, impressed with his skill and aware that Taggert observed every move. She could feel his attention stabbing her in the back. Letisha had brought a broom and dustpan with her as well, and Pauline snagged it and cleaned up the sharp crystal pieces scattered around the room.
Maria wiped away her tears, and Sybil asked, “Are you in much pain?”
Maria shook her head. “No. It scared me more than anything.”
Doug moved back from Maria and snapped the first aid box closed. He turned back to the rest of the room, and Sybil could see the intensity of his disgust for Taggert flicker in his eyes.
Pauline asked, “The chandelier...why did that happen?” Pauline wore a shellshocked expression. She swung toward Sybil. “Why?”
Sybil shrugged. “I’m not certain.”
Clarice cleared her throat and returned to sitting on the couch. “My dear Sybil, you have the answer.”
Pauline pointed at Sybil as a strange panic took over Pauline’s face. “What do you know?”
“Shit,” Letisha said softly. “Oh, God.”
“What?” Maria asked Letisha.
Letisha shook her head. “Please tell me this isn’t your sweet sixteen party all over again, Sybil?”
There it is, Sybil. They will sell you out. Even your friends will sell you out. Anything to survive. To live.