Page 104 of Eldritch

Letisha said to Clarice with a smile, “This coming from the person who rushed here, Very kind of you to look out for us, Clarice.”

Clarice’s serene look didn’t alter. “Us ladies have to stick together.”

“Why did you come here?” Doug asked. “It’s a lot farther from Estes Park to here than it is for me. The weather is crazy out there.”

Clarice chuckled. “The ladies weren’t answering their phones and texts weren’t going through. I thought something horrible could be happening.”

Doug’s expression didn’t change, but Sybil didn’t know if that meant he didn’t believe Clarice.

“There's something else you aren't telling us, isn't there?” Clarice asked Doug.

Doug sighed and then formed a crooked smile devoid of humor. “You're right. I was getting to that. Taggert's car is at the end of the driveway.”

“What?” Sybil's question ejected from her.

“You should have told us right up front,” Pauline said, her voice high as she stood. “Why didn't you tell us?”

He held one hand up. “I know you've got all the doors and windows locked. And I've been monitoring the security system. We’re secure in here. Taggert wasn't in his truck. I didn't see him along the road or in the woods. Unless he's got some major winter survival gear with him, he won’t survive this weather.”

Maria’s face crumbled, eyes shiny with tears. “Oh, God. I can't believe this is happening.”

As it had so many times in this place, Sybil’s skin prickled and her stomach lurched with panic.

“Well, I hope he doesn't make it,” Pauline said. “He’s a bastard.”

Doug put both hands up in surrender. “Look, I'm sorry. I should've said something right off. I was worried I'd scare all of you.”

Clarice scanned the room, and Sybil noted how she looked at each of them. “I'd say they're afraid regardless, my boy. But I can't fault you. You came here to make sure the girls were safe. That’s all that counts. I feel much better having you here.” Clarice smiled and winked at Sybil. “Don’t you Sybil?”

Sybil blinked, her mouth opening but nothing coming out. She cleared her throat. “Of course. Doug has military and police training. That’s a plus.”

Clarice’s smile remained, the teasing in it clear. Somehow this woman thought…no she knew Sybil found Doug attractive.

“I'm staying until the blizzard is over and can see you safely out of here.” He softened his voice and looked directly at Sybil. “If that's all right with you.”

Sybil’s mouth went dry. “Of course.”

Clarice nodded. “Please stay, Doug. We have a room for you upstairs.”

“Thanks. I'd prefer to stay in the office and monitor the security. I've got the app on my phone that would alert me of a breach, but I feel more comfortable being right with the computer.”

Sybil didn't stifle the new wave of respect and admiration rising inside her for Doug.

“We can bring you blankets. Bedding for the couch,” Sybil said.

Clarice’s eyes sparkled with a teasing light. “Sybil, perhaps you could help him keep watch tonight. Take shifts?”

Sybil's cheeks turned warm. “Good idea.”

“I know it's not late, but I don't think I can keep my eyes open. I'm going upstairs for a quick nap,” Clarice said.

After Clarice departed, Maria headed for the office door. “Same here. All this intrigue and excitement. I can't keep my damned eyes open. A nap it is. I’ll take my stuff back upstairs.”

Pauline maintained a stony face and exited the room behind Maria, apparently with the idea of retreating to her room as well.

Letisha stood. “I don’t think I could sleep right now. I’ll do some work in the attic. Stuff we didn’t finish.”

Sybil decided immediately. “Me, too.”