Page 48 of Secrets Within Us

“We’re done. I’m getting her the fuck out of here.” Kip barked as he slid his arms under my legs and picked me up. He ran up the stairs as I buried my face in his neck. “I’m right here Had. Feel me. Smell me. You’re safe. I’m with you.”

I held my breath as darkness descended over my vision completely, my arms clinging to Kip like a buoy in the middle of the ocean of turmoil.

When we made it outside, a rush of fresh air snapped against my skin, making me gasp as I drew it into my lungs, soothing the burning ache inside of them.

“That’s it. Take a deep breath.” He said as he sat me down in the front seat of Tim’s rental truck. He turned my body, so my legs were hanging off the seat out the door and he stepped in between them and hugged me to his body like he was my life raft. Holding onto him tightly, I surrendered to his scent enveloping me, bringing calm to my pounding heart and chaotic mind.

As soon as I regained the ability to form a coherent sentence, I weakly uttered into his neck. “I don’t want to be here anymore.”

“Then we’ll leave.” He barked orders around to people who had come out of the house after us and before I knew it, I was being whisked away into the back seat of the truck and tucked into his lap as Tim drove us back to Kip’s house.

I kept my eyes closed and my mind focused on his chest rising and falling under my cheek and timed my own to his and before I knew it, I was drifting into a dazed sleep. Worn out and drained, he lifted me from the truck, saying something to Tim, and then walked us into his home.

When we walked in, I was vaguely aware that Mike was sitting in the living room with Dev, but I didn’t pay attention to what they said as Kip carried me upstairs to his bedroom.

He stripped me out of my clothes and pulled a long-sleeved shirt of his over my head before sliding his bare body in next to mine under the heavy weight of the blankets.

“You are so unbelievably strong.” He whispered into my hair. “I love you so fucking much Hadley.”

My body succumbed to exhaustion, and as sleep enveloped me like a menacing creature lurking in the depths of dark water, I answered back. “I love you too.”

Praying for a reprieve from the chaos in my mind, I went willingly.

Chapter 17- Kip


She’d nearly passed out in that fucking basement. Her eyes had glassed over, and her pupils dilated as she went basically unresponsive.

Kip. Help me. Please, help me.

Her words ignited a fire in my soul that would never burn out again.

She needed me to protect her and help her, and that’s exactly what I planned to do for as long as she allowed me to be in her life. Which I hoped to be for a very long fucking time.

I loved her.

Holding the tiny breathtaking woman in my arms in my bed after everything she endured made me realize I was fucking done.

Stick a fork in me, I was done, never to be the same again.

Her breath warmed the skin on my neck with each breath as I laid there and continued to hold her long into the night. But sleep wouldn’t take me under.

I replayed the events of the day back through my head over and over endlessly. I had no idea how she stayed on her feet as long as she had after the emotional turmoil I’d put her through before any of the police bullshit even started.

When I’d stripped her bare for bed, there was a new bruise on her shoulder and my blood boiled when I’d realized I’d done that to her in my haste to get her out of my kids’ room.

I was no better than Peter Daniels. I marked her with physical force, even if it was an accident, and yet she still loved me.

Well, never again. I’d never allow myself to become so overcome with grief and shame again that I’d touch her physically like that. Never.

I didn’t deserve the angel in my bed. But I was damn sure going to work on earning the right to have her in my life every minute forward.

I looked over her shoulder at the clock on the end table. It was nearly three am, and we’d climbed into bed after midnight. She was so peaceful in my arms, and I could feel some of that peace settle into my body through our contact.

Eventually, I fell asleep, pulling her tighter into my arms and trying to absorb as much of her into my soul as possible.

I dreamt of her.