I placed one palm flat against the wall over the bed and pushed back into his powerful thrusts, moaning and chasing my pleasure. I slid my other hand under my body and rubbed my clit, chasing my next orgasm.
“No.” He said, pulling my hand away and slapping it to the wall next to my other one. “Your pleasure is mine. If you want to come, I’ll be the one to make you.” He growled, laying his body against my back and pumping his hips faster into me. His teeth bit and teased my ear as he slid his thick fingers down against my clit and rubbed perfectly, pushing me headfirst toward yet another powerful orgasm. “Good girl.” He bit out in my ear when I moaned loudly. “You’re so perfect for me.”
“Don’t stop!” I begged. “I need you.” What I despised was how I had stopped antagonizing him and started begging him, but that’s exactly what he did to me. He made me needy, but at least in that moment, he delivered.
“I’m right here, bambina. Come for me. I want to feel your body milking my come deep inside of you.”
“Yes!” I cried, throwing my hips back into his and exploding in his arms. He held me tight, keeping me from falling face first into the bed as I lost my hold on the wall.
“Good girl.” He praised into my ear. His hips were jerking madly, showing his impending orgasm, and moments later he bit my shoulder as he filled me up with his come, branding my insides and skin with his claim. “That’s my pussy, baby. I’m never giving it up.”
He moaned on and on, slowly thrusting his hips as his hands roved over my body as we caught our breaths. He let go of my shoulder and my body, gently laying me down on the bed and pulling out before collapsing next to me on the mattress. I laid limp on my stomach as he threw his arm over his eyes and relaxed.
“Holy shit, that was… holy shit.” He said after a few minutes, and I smiled into the blankets.
“You should write hallmark cards.” I joked, and he cracked one eye open and side eyed me.
“Funny girl.” He deadpanned.
“I’ve been told that a time or two before.” I laughed and scooted over to his side, and he pulled me against him until my head was on his chest. Silence descended on us and the weight of our argument before the sex started crushing the mood. Kip felt it too as he stared at the ceiling in the quickly darkening room.
“We should go eat.” He said after a while, and I fought to contain the sigh that wanted to escape. Just like that, we were back to square one. Our bodies were so in sync that I could almost pretend he was a stranger to me.
Instead of giving into my desire to scream for answers, I untangled my body from his and silently dressed in a flannel of his and a pair of sweatpants from my bag as he watched me from the bed in stillness.
I said nothing to him as I walked down the stairs and started arranging food on plates to serve. By the time he came down, I wasn’t hungry as the questions and frustration knotted my stomach up and left me aching for anything from him he was willing to give me.
He sat down across from me and eyed my empty plate as he looked at his own heaping pile. “Why aren’t you eating?” He asked, placing his hands next to his silverware as he watched me.
“Not hungry right the moment,” I answered, taking a sip of the coffee I’d made with a splash of whiskey in it to ease my chaotic mind.
“You need to eat Hadley; your body needs the nutrients to heal itself,” Kip said, and his voice lacked the authority or dominance it usually had when he gave me an instruction like that, and instead he was calm and tender.
“Answer a question and I’ll take a bite,” I replied quickly before I could think better of it.
His eyebrows rose, and he eyed my coffee cup that I clutched in both hands, on top of my knee. I was hugging it to my chest across from him, but he was on to me. He reached forward, took it from me, and sniffed. “Whiskey, huh?”
“Warms the soul. Or something like that.” I said, devoid of any emotion.
“And loosens the tongue.” He volleyed back.
“Then I’ll answer one back for each one you answer.”
He eyed me, considering it. “You’ll answer any question I ask, without fail, and you’ll eat a bite.”
“I won’t tell you who did this to me.” I said quickly, “But I’ll answer anything else.”
He paused, looking down at my cup and then handing it back to me, probably figuring he’d get more out of me the lower my inhibitions were. “Deal.”
He motioned for me to start with a question as he took a bite of his meal.
In the past few days, I had imagined all the questions I would ask him if given the opportunity. However, now that he was finally willing to answer them, I hesitated to ask the difficult ones because I wasn’t sure if I was prepared for the challenging answers that would come with them.
“How long have you lived up here? Like this?” I asked and his chewing stopped, probably surprised by my direction.
“Four years.” He said and then scooped up a big bite of ziti off his plate and held his fork out for me to eat. Leaning forward, I wrapped my lips around his fork and took a bite of food. Throughout the entire process, I kept my eyes locked on his, causing his pupils to dilate as he observed my chewing. “It’s fucking good, isn’t it?” He asked, fixated on my mouth.