Breathlessly, she said, “We’ve got a family to win over. Let’s go.”
My lips curved upward as we walked out together.
I’d been a moron for thinking I didn’t want to find love.
“I can’t believe we’re planning a wedding for this crazy fae chick,” I grumbled to Rhett, looking up from my laptop and the folder of information we’d been putting together. He was working on the same thing, with his own laptop open as we sat together at our kitchen table. “We didn’t even have a wedding, and I used to be human.”
He looked up from his computer. “We can have a wedding if you want.”
Though I wouldn’t give up the sparkly ring he’d bought me over my dead body, I wrinkled my nose at the idea of a wedding. “Pass. I just want to be done with this diva.”
We had spent months trying to find the woman a mate. As much as we’d needed Kyle on Survival, we’d definitely gotten the worse end of the bargain. Rhett had been being nice when he said the woman was difficult. I wanted to strangle her every time we saw her.
Sure, she was smart and strong, but I was of the opinion we should throw her on Survival just to humble her a little.
Considering she was already a fae woman, it would never happen.
But damn, a girl could dream.
I kept hoping Kyle would win Survival and take over the wedding plans. We’d convinced her to pick a guy, and they were head-over-heels for each other, but she was still being a diva about everything. And because she wouldn’t seal the bond until it was perfect, we were stuck dealing with her out of obligation to the bastard.
The fifth season was nearly over, and Kyle clearly wasn’t going to win it. Though he got to the end every time, he’d made a habit of helping pair the human women off with the perfect guy, then helping that guy get to the end.
He'd gotten Julian and Harker mated since we left the island. Chris was well on his way there, too.
But the bastard looked skinnier and more tired with every season.
His energy was running low.
Rhett was pretty sure he was running out of time.
Christina claimed she had an ace in her pocket to get Kyle paired off, but I wasn’t sure that even she could manage that. He had learned a lot about women since his first season, but he was still a pain in the ass.
Kind of like his sister.
I heard a thunderclap outside, and looked out the large windows that gave us a view of the ocean in our backyard.
Damn, it was gorgeous.
“Remember that first night I basically forced you to snuggle with me?” I asked him, staring at the rain with something that felt surprisingly like fondness.
Maybe even a little bit of yearning.
Those had been rough, shitty days, but I’d come to cherish the memories. The ones that included snuggling with Rhett, at least.
“I wanted to sit you on my lap and wrap you in my wings so you would stop shivering,” he admitted, looking at the rain too.
A sudden urge overwhelmed me, and I stood. My chair scratched the tile as I moved it, but I ignored the cringe-worthy sound.
Rhett’s amused expression told me he knew I’d had some sort of idea.
When I grabbed his hand, he abandoned his laptop without question and let me tow him outside.
“What are we doing now, Chaos?”