Page 76 of Glamour & Gumballs

No one else I might be forced to mate with.

Just me, and Rhett.

He released my breasts, sliding his hands down the curve of my waist until he found the top of my shorts.

My entire body clenched as he slid them down my thighs.

The fabric made an obnoxious sound as it hit the floor, but neither of us commented on it. Neither of us cared.

I eased away from him, turning so we faced each other. The top of my head didn’t even hit the bottom of his chin, but he tilted his head, and I leaned mine too. Our eyes were locked as I pushed his shorts down. His cock sprang free, and I finally looked away just so I could stare at him.

Damn, he was huge.

My body flushed hotter.

I wrapped my fingers around his erection and dragged them over the length lightly, earning a low rumble.

“Have you ever showered with anyone before?” he asked.

Something in his voice told me he was going to think violent thoughts if I said yes.

And that made me think violent thoughts about the woman he’d probably showered with.

“No,” I admitted, stroking him again just so I could hear his chest rumble more. “Have you?”

“Only once.”


“And what?”

“And how did it go?” My possessiveness was showing. I knew that. I just couldn’t help it.

I wanted to have our firsts together. I didn’t want to know he’d enjoyed himself with another woman before—or consider that she might be better than me.

I’d just have to upstage her.

Considering she’d never touched his wings, I could do that. And knowing I could made me feel slightly better.

“She let me get her off but didn’t touch me,” Rhett admitted.


He chuckled. “I don’t expect any more from you than I did from her, Chaos. I don’t touch you because I want?—”

I cut him off. “Start expecting more from me than you did from her. I’m not her. Accept it.”

I stroked him again, a little rougher, and earned a growl for it.

He grabbed me by the waist, lifting me into the shower as he stepped beneath the water. It was blazing hot as it fell over us, and he swore again as he stepped closer, reaching behind me to turn the temperature down as he blocked me from the burn of it.

I stroked him again, and he growled into my hair, gripping my hand over his erection. “Slow down, Chaos.”

I’d never seen him lose control, but I wanted to.


“Why should I slow down?”