I let out a shaky breath and buried my nose in Erin’s hair, closing my eyes.
That had been close.
Too close.
I hoped to never see another fucking puzzle in my life.
The yacht rocked far more than I was comfortable with as we boarded. The storm around us was getting worse, not better, which I didn’t think bode well for our reward.
Sure enough, those working on the boat looked nervous as they ushered us toward a table that was set up in a small room connected to the kitchen.
“I hope they’re driving this thing toward land,” I muttered to Rhett, as I sat down in the chair he pulled out for me.
He pulled our server to the side. “Is there an alternate plan if the storm doesn’t blow over quickly?”
It wasn’t going to blow over.
We’d been living on an island, through terrible storms, long enough that I was sure of that.
The man nodded. “We’re headed toward a dock now. There’s a hotel near it that you’ll be moved to.”
Rhett nodded and took the seat across from mine.
I grabbed the table to stay in my seat when there was a particularly rough wave.
Rhett’s eyes flashed, and he was on his feet again in a heartbeat. He lifted me off the chair, then set me on his lap when he sat back down.
“I’m fine,” I protested.
“I’m not.” His nose brushed my neck.
I leaned back against him, and his grip tightened as another massive wave rocked us.
“That was too close,” he said quietly.
“At least it’s over.” I closed my eyes.
He kissed my throat lightly.
It occurred to me that he hadn’t been looking at his competition at all, and I bit my lip. I didn’t want to hurt him with the truth, but he deserved to know just in case it came up again.
Even if it didn’t, our season would be on TV eventually. It wasn’t going to be a secret.
“You know Chris let you win, right?” I asked.
Rhett didn’t reply immediately.
I’d take that as a no.
“He was down to the last piece. Travis was cheering. He acted like he’d placed them wrong, and pulled a few out to give you time to win.”
“Damn.” Rhett’s voice was low, but I couldn’t label whatever emotion was in it. We hadn’t spent enough time together for that. “I owe him.”