If he was trying not to scare me off, that would explain his over-politeness. And the blandness I’d started to feel sometimes in his illusions.
“Since I can’t talk to him, can you tell him to stop being so nice?”
Kyle sighed. “Alright. You’ll owe me, though.”
“What do you want?”
“A kiss.” He tapped his lips.
I narrowed my eyes at him, and he grinned again.
“I’m teasing. Just put in a good word for me with the next girl if you get to meet her.”
We headed back toward the shelters, and my thoughts moved a bit faster.
I didn’t know what Rhett would do when Kyle talked to him, but I was kind of excited to find out.
That day passed just like all the others, and I was relieved when it was finally time to call it a night. I got cozy next to Rhett as if I didn’t want to fuck him, like always.
He barely touched me, which was also our usual.
I remained awake, tense and waiting for him to do something while everyone around us fell asleep one by one.
It was still sprinkling a little, but that was the last thing on my mind.
When I finally started to drift off, Rhett’s hand found my ass.
My eyes opened.
In a smooth motion, he swept me out of the shelter and carried me into the jungle. His feet were silent, and I clung to his neck, my heart beating wildly against his chest.
Maybe he wasn’t too nice after all.
I didn’t say a word as he hauled me deeper into the jungle, finally stopping when we reached the well. He set me down on the rough brick ledge of it, and I barely noticed that some parts were sharp against my ass.
As soon as I was sitting, he took my face between his gigantic hands and looked me square in the eyes. “We’re playing a game, Chaos.”
“I know that.”
“A game that requires me to hide everything I am and feel,” he continued, his gaze piercing. “I want to touch you, but I can’t. I want to hold you, kiss you, fuck you—but I can’t. I have to play the game. That doesn’t mean I don’t want you. It means I have to keep the illusions bland, because if I let myself say and do what I want, we’re both going to give ourselves away and ruin our game in the process.”
That… made sense.
I should’ve put it together myself, actually.
I guess insecurity had been in the driver’s seat. Given the situation, the insecurity did seem reasonable, though.
“There are only a few votes left,” Rhett said. “Eight more days, then we won’t have to pretend anymore. I need you to make it through them without doubting me, Chaos. What can I do to make that easier for you?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “But I’ll survive. I’ll figure it out.”
“Alright.” Rhett started releasing my face, but paused.
And after a moment—a short beat of hesitation—he tilted his head down and brushed his lips against mine.
The kiss was soft.