And as much as I liked Rhett, he hadn’t really shown the dominance I wanted in a guy. I didn’t want someone cruel, but I didn’t want someone too soft, either. I would walk all over one of the nice guy types.
Not that Rhett was really a nice guy.
I just…
I didn’t know.
It was a big decision. A really big decision.
Not one I wanted to make while I was uncertain, that was for damn sure.
The wind picked up as the day continued.
The sky darkened too, but no rain fell.
I held my ponytail back as the boat carried us away from our island and into the middle of a rainstorm over the island I recognized from the first day of Survival.
Thankfully, the showrunners had set up a large, permanent canopy. It was made of metal, and didn’t move even slightly in the heavy wind, which made me think they’d drilled it into the ground or something.
I sure as hell wasn’t complaining.
All of us gathered beneath the canopy as Jordan announced a different kind of contest. The guys seemed to know what he was talking about when he called it the “care package challenge” and said everyone would win that day.
When they all headed into the pouring rain to look for their care packages, I asked him for more details.
“They did this challenge in the first season,” he explained. “All of the guys packed a bag with three things in it as well as an asset folder. The items could be things for their comfort or your comfort. The asset folder has pictures and information about their life back home. Each of them will get a few minutes to show you the items and explain the folders’ contents to you.”
That was actually kind of helpful.
I wouldn’t admit it aloud, of course. But it was.
I’d just been thinking about how I would choose someone without knowing anything about what my life with them would look like. And I’d just been wondering if I really wanted to put all my eggs in Rhett’s basket. Figuratively, of course.
Maybe the care package thing would help me decide.
“Last season, I think there was an extra care package or something to determine the winner,” Jordan added. “But they did it later in the season, and Molly didn’t have as many comfort items as you do, so they nixed that this time. The first guy back is the one who gets extra time with you. The other bastards will sit out in the rain a little longer.”
I felt bad for them, but they had signed up to play.
Except Rhett.
I couldn’t help but wonder if someone else had packed stuff for him, or if he just wasn’t going to have anything in his bag at all.
We didn’t have to wait long for the first guy to return. There were seven men left in the game, though, so it was going to take a while to go through all the information they all brought.
Ian was back through the trees quickly, flashing me a grin as he sat down next to me and shook water from his hair. I didn’t bother closing my eyes when he did, but wiped my face off afterward.
That was annoying.
I could check one guy off the list.
It was probably petty to remove him from the standings just because he shook water all over me like a dog, but I was pretty okay with that level of pettiness.
“Sorry about Julian,” Ian said, unzipping the bag. It was waterproof, so everything inside had been protected.
I was supposed to be upset Julian was gone.