Page 53 of Glamour & Gumballs

I snorted. “Could it, though?”

She laughed again, then handed me the backpack she’d brought. It probably wasn’t much different than the one I’d packed for myself, but I wasn’t going to tell her that when she’d made effort to be nice to me. And now that the sun was out, maybe I’d actually get some use out of everything.

We chatted a little about how much we both hated the island as we walked back to her mate. She said goodbye fairly soon, and left me before we ran into any of the men.

Sure enough, every eye was on me when I got back to camp. I hoped Julian hadn’t said anything about my fall. Doing so would probably make other people suspicious of him, since I hadn’t been anything but bluntly honest, but still. I didn’t want anyone doubting me yet.

I felt the gazes lingering on my mouth—my lips still felt warm and swollen—as I grabbed a bottle of sunblock and took my seat beneath a tree again.

I was still only wearing my sports bra and shorts, with my wet hair tied up. The hickey on my neck was basically front and center. I hoped that was what they were staring at, rather than my tits.

The murmurs that broke out almost as soon as I sat down told me that the rumors and gossip were starting. I was too far to hear exactly what was being said, but I could imagine the possessive fae getting all riled up on the inside as they fought to maintain control on the outside.

I couldn’t get involved in any of the conversations or push any more suspicion onto Julian than what already existed. So, I stayed where I was while the flurry of hushed conversation continued.

A boat showed up to take us to a challenge a few hours later.

Everyone kept their distance from me on the boat, especially Julian. I ended up standing in front of Rhett, who managed to look as bored and grumpy as usual.

Part of me worried he’d changed his mind, but I ignored that part. It wouldn’t do me any good.

The boat ride was short, and then we were on an island, in front of a large table puzzle. It looked like a big maze, with a ball that would have to be navigated to the little dip in the center.


Julian was smart.

He could win.

Then again, a puzzle like that wasn’t just about being smart. It was also about coordination.

Which all of the fae guys probably had.

So… it was anyone’s game.

I took my seat on the bench while Jordan explained the maze to everyone. The reward was a snorkeling trip that would bring me and the top two guys home late that night, after the voting was over.

When they began, I watched the game. Rhett was barely trying, which was expected.

But it also made me nervous, because it meant he was going to the vote. Which meant there was a chance he could be voted out.

It was slim, but… a chance was a chance.

I couldn’t let my gaze linger on Rhett too long, just in case someone was watching, so I focused on Julian.

I was curious.

I’d seen the looks everyone was shooting him. He was totally the target. Winning the challenge would mean spending extra time with me, which was dangerous for him when he was already being targeted for that.

But losing would very likely mean getting voted out.

So either way, he was in trouble.

If I were him, I’d fight like hell to win the challenge. At least that would come with a few more days to stop being seen as a threat.

Sure enough, he finished first and stepped back, his hands in the air.

Jordan declared him the winner.