Page 45 of Glamour & Gumballs

“I would never,” I drawled.

His lips curved. “Right.” He squeezed my hips lightly. “I’ll convince you.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it.”

“You’ll see it.”

I opened my mouth to keep the banter going, but before I could say anything else, he kissed me.




His tongue moved with mine, intimate and delicious.

“It’s time,” Jordan said.

“I have a plan to create more chaos, too,” Rhett murmured, when he finally released my mouth.

My chest rose and fell quickly. “Now that’s something I can get behind.”

He chuckled, brushing his lips to mine one more time before he stepped back.

I followed Jordan into the hallway, Rhett close behind me, and found Kyle grinning knowingly.

“Wipe that smirk off your face,” I grumbled at him, as we walked through the spa.

“Why? We’re going to make this game our bitch.”

“You do know that this plan requires you to lose again, right?” I checked.

“Running the game and saving good old Rhetti Spaghetti’s life doesn’t sound like losing.”

I snorted. “Rhetti Spaghetti?”

“He loves pasta. Everyone knows that. I’m just the only one with enough guts to give him a nickname for it.”

“For good reason,” Rhett grunted.

The men shifted, and Rhett’s arms went around me. His grip wasn’t nearly as gentle as it had been the last time, which was satisfying. When I’d told him I wasn’t going to break, he listened.

We took off, and the wind grew too loud to speak over.

Despite my lingering uncertainty, I felt good about our plan for the most part.

And even better about choosing Rhett.

Reid was gone when we got back. I couldn’t say I’d miss him.

The rain was still coming down, too.

It was kind of sad to go back to my “usual” sitting by myself and watching the waves roll, but that was the plan. So, I had no choice but to do it.

I started shivering when the sun disappeared behind some storm clouds partway through the day. Immediately, an illusion washed over me.

I was sitting on the beach, with my side pressed up against Rhett’s.