Rhett growled, but didn’t waste any time.
He had my shorts pulled to the side in a heartbeat, and the thick head of his cock was pressing into my opening a moment later.
I cried out loudly as he pushed inside, just an inch.
“You’re too tight,” he gritted out. “You need?—”
“More.” I lowered my hips, forcing him the rest of the way inside me. In reality, it might’ve hurt a little—but in the fantasy, it was pure pleasure.
My climax hit, hard, and in reality.
I gasped as my release ended the illusion immediately, my hips rocking to drag out the bliss.
Rhett’s chest was rumbling, his eyes dilated as I came down from the high. He’d rolled us both over during the illusion, so I was on top of him again. “That was the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Bullshit,” I panted.
His grip on my hips tightened further. “You don’t believe me?”
“You told me yesterday that the sex between you and Kellie was amazing. That wasn’t even sex. It’s not possible for that to be the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen.”
His eyes darkened. “I said it was the only thing we weren’t shit at. Kellie didn’t know what I was. I couldn’t use my magic on her. She never saw my fae form or touched my wings. Every time we were together, I was at war with myself the entire time. So yes, watching you get off against my cock to nothing but the illusion I’m placing in your mind is the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”
If I hadn’t already been flushed, I definitely was after hearing that. “You changed your tune fast, considering you were pissed at me for pointing out that you’re afraid yesterday.”
“I wasn’t pissed at you. I was frustrated with myself for not realizing the truth sooner. And fucking furious with your mother’s boyfriend. What’s his name?”
“Matthew Olgden.”
Rhett’s nostrils flared.
“He died in the war,” I said, eyeing him.
Rhett scowled. “One of the bombs?”
“Yep. Took my mom too. They were on vacation together.”
“The fucker deserved much worse.”
“On that, we agree.”
Rhett slid his hand over my hip. “You believe me?”
His eyes narrowed. “Mostly?”
“I have a hard time believing you considered her your mate even though you could never be yourself with her.”
His forehead smoothed for the most part. “That was the easiest way to explain the shitshow to the other fae I interact with. In human terms, I proposed too soon. Her family was pushing it, and I couldn’t explain my resistance without telling them what I was. We’d only been engaged a few days when I realized I had to tell her the truth before the planning went any further.”
“How did you tell her? And how did she respond?”
He studied me for a moment before saying, “I can show you, if you want.”
The illusions.