Page 23 of Glamour & Gumballs

I passed a few other men heading toward the snarling males in the forest, but didn’t slow until I reached the shelter area and sat down a few trees away from where Rhett was positioned. He was sitting down on his ass, his back to a tree.

Despite the chill in the air, my heart was beating fast enough that I wasn’t cold.

I sat down two trees away from him, in case he could smell Jim’s scent and it would bother him or something.

“What did you do, Chaos?” His voice was low enough that no one else might’ve heard.

I shrugged, fighting back a grin. “Nothing.”

Rhett shook his head at me slowly.

Two men came jogging out of the forest, murder in their eyes.

“Did you fuck Jim?” one of them growled at me. It was Travis. He was with Ian, the new guy.

Maybe Travis wasn’t as laid-back as I thought.

“Did I?” I let my eyes widen as if I didn’t know what he was talking about.

Travis snarled, and Ian set a hand on his shoulder, though his expression was tight too.

“Let’s get the story from the source,” Ian said, much calmer.

“She is the?—”

“Now,” Travis’s said sharply. Ian stiffened for a moment before both men headed into the forest.

“You were only in the jungle with him for five minutes,” Rhett said. “Not long enough to fuck. And Harker was with you.”

“Not long enough for you to fuck, maybe,” I drawled.

He lifted an eyebrow at me. “Even if you climaxed in five seconds, we would only be getting started. A woman doesn’t leave my bed until she’s forgotten her own name.”

If I hadn’t been wet between my thighs before he said that, I definitely was after.

“Your plan was supposed to involve flirting. Not anything more physical than that. You don’t want anyone to die.”

“My plan was chaos,” I corrected. “And no one will kill each other over what we did.”

“If you did anything more than snuggle up with Jim, he’ll come back bruised and bleeding.”

I rolled my eyes, but I did remember Cameron burning his scent off Molly’s skin after their hug.

And when Jim came back, he was bleeding.

Bruised, too.

And limping.

I bit my lip to hide my grimace.

Maybe Rhett was right. I needed to be sneaky about it if I decided to kiss anyone else.

Though, after the experience, I wasn’t exactly dying to do so again.

The rest of the day was tense.

And rainy.