Somehow, the sound and motion of it relaxed me. I leaned against him a little more, and he pulled me slightly closer.
“When a compatible mate starts looking for someone to share her bed with, she gives off pheromones. They pull willing fae in. It’s basically a physical sign that you’re horny.”
I bit my lip. “And that would cause chaos, how?”
“They trigger possessiveness, which grows more difficult to control as unmated fae age. All of these men are old, so they’re bombs waiting to go off. Ignite the pheromones and flirt with someone, and you’ll start a war they can’t fight because it’s in their head.”
“Damn, you’re vicious,” I remarked.
He rewarded me with another quiet chuckle, which made my lips curve upward.
“They’re being really careful about not letting me be alone with anyone,” I said.
“You’ll have to be clever about it, then.”
My smile widened a bit more.
I was liking this plan more by the minute.
“You’ll let me sleep by you, right?” I asked, a heartbeat later. “They’re going to let me freeze unless I join their circus.”
“Thought it was a harem.”
“Same difference.”
He snorted. “No.”
“No, you won’t let me sleep by you?”
“No, it’s not the same difference.” There was a pause before he said, “I’ll let you share my warmth. Can’t let you freeze to death in your stubbornness.”
“Finally, my stubbornness gets me something I want. And something you want too, since it could make you a target.”
“We can only hope.”
I laughed, and his grip around my back tightened for a moment before relaxing again. I didn’t ask why. Maybe I surprised him or something.
Both of us fell quiet as we watched the waves roll and crash. For the first time all day, there was no water falling in my eyes, and it was glorious. I wasn’t going to move unless I had to.
“What kind of magic does everyone here have?” I asked him, after a few minutes passed. “I know all the elemental kinds, but what about the mental magic?”
Rhett let out a slow breath that had my shoulders relaxing again for some reason.
Damn, he was warm.
And strong.
But I wasn’t thinking about the last part.
Not. Thinking. About. It.
“There are four kinds of mental magic. It’s technically called glamour, though no one uses the title. There’s telepathy, which is mind reading and mental speech. Julian and Ev have that. Travis has compulsion, which can push you to do something you don’t want to. No one here has dream magic. Oren did, and was killed after he used it on Molly in the last season.”
My eyebrows shot upward.
Hot damn.