Page 14 of Glamour & Gumballs

Tenuous excitement had me making my way to my feet. My knees knocked together as I shivered violently, and I had to catch myself on a tree, but I managed.

“Erin,” Kyle called from the group. “You good?”

I looked at him long enough to give a thumbs-up, then went looking for Rhett.

The “bathroom” was empty—I called out to check, didn’t risk going close.

The main strip of beach was empty.

The shelter was too.

I was all the way across the island, nearly back to the rock I’d claimed as a seat earlier, when I finally found him.

He was sprawled out on the sand, massive legs stretched out in front of him. His shirt had been discarded, and his wings had made an appearance.

They were beautiful, and looked more masculine without the color the other men’s possessed somehow.

He’d changed into a pair of basketball shorts at some point, like most of the other men were wearing. I figured they had been in one of the supply bags, since he’d been wearing cargo shorts when we first landed.

After a moment of hesitation, a heavy gust of wind blew through the trees, and I surged forward.

Nope, I wasn’t walking away without at least asking about sharing body heat. Not even maybe.

I padded across the slushy-like sand, no longer feeling the chill between my numb toes. He didn’t look up when I stopped next to him, though I was positive he’d noticed me.

“Hey,” I said, raising my voice.

He grunted in response. I barely heard it over the wind.

“Can I sit by you?” I asked.

That didn’t get me a response either.

I was too cold to wait, so I just plopped down next to him. “I’ll take that as a yes,” I said, scooting up closer without touching him.

The bastard basically radiated heat. I guess that was a benefit of being a massive, magical fae.

My teeth chattered loudly, and Rhett finally turned his glare toward me. “You’re shivering.”

“I noticed.”

“Why aren’t you pressed up against one of the assholes who wants a mate?”

“They don’t want to risk getting voted off. Told me it was a group hug or nothing.”

“And you chose nothing?”

“I’m not looking to start my own harem.”

He let out a snort, and finally wrapped an arm around the back of me. When he slid me closer, removing the few inches I’d left between us, I almost moaned.

“I’m going to shamelessly use you for warmth,” I mumbled as I pressed my face to his gloriously bare chest.

“Let’s hope it gets me voted out.”

“I’ll cross my fingers for you,” I agreed.

He chuckled. The sound was so soft, I wondered if I’d imagined it.