Page 92 of Glamour & Gumballs

Rhett’s chest rumbled unhappily, but he finally caught my wrist and guided the croissant to his mouth. When he took a bite, his eyes closed. “Damn.”

“I’ve had more to eat than you over the last month. You might be good at ignoring it, but you probably need to recover as much as I do.” I took another bite of the bread, then made him polish off the last of it. “I need to use the bathroom.”

“No. Get off the countertop, and I tie you to the chair.” He picked up another croissant and held it up for me to take a bite. There was a light citrus smell coming off it that made me think it was orange flavored.

Sure enough, the combination of flaky, layered pastry and orange glaze made me moan.

“Keep that up, and I’m going to end up fucking you on this countertop,” Rhett warned.

When I looked down, I saw him hardening.

“You can’t be ready to go again yet. I don’t think that’s even physically possible.”

“I’m a fae male with a compatible mate whose pheromones are singing for me, Chaos. It’s possible.” He stepped closer.

My legs wrapped around his waist of their own volition, but he didn’t do anything about it.

“You need to eat more.” He lifted the croissant back to my lips, and I dutifully took another bite.

By the time the spaghetti was warm, we’d demolished the entire box of croissants. I already felt sick, but one look at Rhett told me he wasn’t going to let me go until I ate some pasta too.

So, when he set the huge casserole dish full of spaghetti and meatballs beside me, I ate some slowly, just to appease him.

The pleasure in his eyes while he ate with me told me that Kyle’s nickname for him wasn’t just a joke. Rhett really did love pasta.

And that made me smile.

When we were done, I was so full I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Rhett carried me back to the bed, and I curled up against him, falling asleep almost instantly.

The sun was shining brightly through the large windows in our room when I finally woke up. Groaning, I pressed my eyes against his skin.

As expected, my entire body was draped over Rhett’s.

His hands were on my ass, but his grip was relaxed and his chest rose and fell steadily.

He was still sleeping.

His erection was pressed against my core, and apparently had been for a long time, considering I was crazy slick with desire. I didn’t dare let myself move while he was sleeping. We hadn’t talked about whether or not we were okay with that, and I wasn’t about to risk making him uncomfortable.

Even though I was horny as hell and desperate to let myself move like I wanted to. It wouldn’t take much effort to get myself off.

I waited as long as I could, but the slickness grew worse, and my desire grew fiercer.

When I couldn’t wait any longer, I finally eased myself off his body.

By some miracle, he didn’t wake up.

My legs shook as I padded into the bathroom, quietly closing the door before I turned the shower on.

Quiet orgasms weren’t really a talent of mine, but it would work as white noise.

I didn’t bother getting in the shower, just sat down on the ledge of the tub and parted my thighs. My head tipped back at the first brush of my fingers to my clit, and I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from moaning.

I circled it again, and again.

My legs parted wider.

My breathing grew ragged.