He counted down from three, and then the men took off into the island’s jungle.
All of the men, except Rhett.
Rhett folded his arms over his chest, glowering into the jungle like it had personally harmed him.
I didn’t ask why.
He was obviously hoping to get voted out ASAP.
I plopped down on my ass on the sand, slicking my damp, red hair out of my eyes. “Do you have access to the weather forecast here?” I asked Jordan.
He snorted. “No.”
I sighed. “Any idea how long the rain’s going to keep going?”
A loud bout of thunder rolled through.
The clouds around us were getting darker by the minute.
The rain was getting heavier, too.
“Am I allowed to snuggle with you in the shelter?” I asked Jordan. “All of my stuff is going to be too wet to keep me warm.”
Since he wasn’t playing, he seemed like the best option.
My grimace deepened. “Why not?”
“I don’t have a death wish. The bastards here are possessive.” He lifted a shoulder. “And I’m supposed to be neutral.”
“Of course you are. The only person on my side in this, is me,” I drawled.
He shrugged. “Your mate will be on your side when you’ve picked him.”
As if that was what I wanted.
“Human women should be required to agree to playing this game. Most of us don’t want to be a game show’s prize,” I said flatly.
Jordan shrugged again. “I don’t have the connections to make that happen, so don’t look at me.”
I glared at him anyway.
All three of us waited in silence for the next few minutes, until the first guy burst through the trees. His wings were spread behind his back, the stained-glass-like surface glittering despite the lack of sunshine.
It was Reid.
I was just as uninterested in him as I was in the other guys.
He landed and smiled at me, offering a hand.
I didn’t take it, or get up from my seat on the sand.
His smile started to fade.