“Colt found them screwing a few days ago,” Travis snarled back. “He told us at the council.”
“How sure are you that it’s true?” Kyle countered.
“He didn’t deny it.” Travis tossed a hand toward Rhett. “Neither did she.”
Guess we should’ve protested.
“It’s true,” Rhett said, leveling his gaze with Kyle’s. “Erin is mine.”
The simple declaration made me warm all over.
“You’d better hope you win the next challenge, then,” Kyle retorted.
“I will.” Rhett didn’t hesitate.
There was no room for uncertainty.
Because if he didn’t win…
Well, I wasn’t going to consider that.
He had to win.
Or I’d have to mate with Kyle.
Rhett took my hand and led me back to the shelter we’d always slept in. It had grown emptier over the weeks, and Colt and Travis had been the only ones who slept in it with us anymore.
Considering Colt was gone and Travis had flipped out, it seemed safe to say we’d be sleeping in it alone.
“Sorry,” I whispered. “I should’ve claimed Colt was lying.”
“I should’ve too,” Rhett admitted. “Lying doesn’t come naturally to me.”
“That’s a good thing.”
“Anywhere but here, it is.”
Rhett pulled me down to the shelter’s uneven base again and wrapped me in his arms. For the first time ever, I let myself hug him the way I wanted to, my fingertips digging into his skin lightly and my leg draped over his cock.
It grew and hardened beneath me, and my lips curved upward slightly. “How much privacy do we have in here?”
His arms tightened around me. “Not enough for what I want to do to you.”
Sighing, I nodded against his chest and closed my eyes. “I know this isn’t what you wanted, but I’m glad you’re here.”
“I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” His voice was quiet, but made my throat thicken anyway.
I stayed in his arms for a long time, but eventually, sleep took over.
The next few days were spent tucked against Rhett’s side. Though there were things we needed to discuss, neither of us wanted to have those tense conversations while Travis was glaring at us so heatedly.
I did ask Rhett if we needed to worry about Travis using his magic on me, considering he could basically force me to do things I didn’t want to do. His reply that Travis wasn’t smart, but was too smart to risk that, put me at ease.
So, we sat.
And snuggled.