Page 33 of Glamour & Gumballs

His hands on my waist, big and heavy, tightened.

I froze, breathing in and out steadily in an attempt to keep him from waking up.

A minute passed.

Then another.

His grip didn’t loosen, but he was still enough that I didn’t think I’d woken him.

I finally planted a hand beside my knee on the mattress and lifted the other half of my body, rolling away as smoothly as I could when I did.

My chest rose and fell quickly after I landed on my back, relief rolling through me.

No tense conversation.

No awkwardness.


I sucked in a breath when a chiseled body rolled over the top of me.

Rhett’s eyes were heavy with sleep, but he held his weight off of me so the pressure was nothing but comfortable. I waited for the position to trigger the trauma of my past, but it didn’t happen. Something about the way he looked at me ensured that.

“You’re trying to get away from me,” he said.

“I need to pee.”

It wasn’t a lie.

I did.

That just wasn’t the main reason I was bailing.

“You wouldn’t have tried to be sneaky if that was it.”

“I was being polite by trying not to wake you up,” I tossed back. “Since I made myself at home on top of you while we were sleeping, I knew I’d bothered you enough.”

His lips curved upward just the tiniest bit.

I hated how much I loved his soft smiles.

“Having you on top of me isn’t a bother.”


He lowered his pelvis over mine, lightly pressing his erection against me. “My body can’t lie.”

My face flushed. “A physical response isn’t proof of anything. You’d be hard if a cat was laying on your cock.”

He snorted.

The sound threw me off, it was so unexpected.

“I’m not a human teenager, Erin. I don’t get hard unless I want something.”

“And that something is…” I shot back, before I could reconsider pushing his buttons like that.

“You. Obviously.” He shifted positions, easing his hips away from my core.