His response wasn’t convincing.
Not at all.
I gave him a deadpanned stare, and he finally gave me a sheepish grin. “After the game’s over, I need your help finding a male who can both handle my sister and treat her well. She wants to settle down, but you know most of the males find her intimidating.”
She was.
Kyle’s sister was a handful.
I knew a few men who would get along with her, though. It would be a pain in the ass, but I’d find someone.
“It’s a reasonable request. You have a deal,” I agreed.
His grin widened further. “Good. Now get in this bed before your female starts snuggling with me. She keeps creeping closer, and I’d like to make it through the night with my head attached to my body.”
I was across the room and maneuvering my way beneath Erin’s limbs in a heartbeat.
And despite the fury still coursing through my veins at her admission about her childhood, I was breathing more deeply than I’d been able to in months.
Because I was going to fight for Erin, even if it forced me to face everything I was apparently afraid of.
Rhett was breathing steadily beneath me when I woke up. Kyle was climbing out of our gigantic, shared bed, and the rustling blankets woke me even though I didn’t feel the mattress dip.
Being draped over Rhett’s body like a blanket probably prevented that.
I lifted my head, bleary eyes landing on Kyle.
He whispered, “I’m going to make myself at home in the mud bath. See you in a few hours.”
I blinked, and he was gone.
Rhett’s erection throbbed against my hip, and my face flushed.
I shouldn’t have been attracted to him after our tense conversation the night before, but I was. And Kyle’s ridiculous offer lingered in my mind.
He would get Rhett to the end, if I was willing to risk Rhett rejecting me when I chose him.
It was insane.
And yet some part of me had been ready to agree immediately.
That part of me was clearly lacking in common sense, because come on. What self-respecting woman would choose a man she knew would reject her? I’d been through enough shit in my life to know better.
But knowing better didn’t change that ready-and-willing part of me.
Which was frustrating.
Wanting to avoid another tense conversation, I started to move carefully off of Rhett. His erection was still throbbing slowly, scrambling my mind a little and making my cheeks hot.
I ignored that as I put one knee on the mattress.