If there was a fast-forward button, you can be sure as hell that I would’ve pressed it.
On the afternoon of day five, we were all packed in a speedboat like sardines, and hauled off to an island nearby.
When we saw a huge, square area full of what was undoubtedly mud, I grimaced.
Just what we needed—more of a mess.
The rain was still coming down endlessly. My skin was a wrinkled mess, cracked and bleeding in more than a few spots, and the only time I stopped shivering was when I was pressed up against Rhett at night.
It was already hellish.
Why not throw in a little mud to make it worse?
I slumped down on the bench provided for me, pulling my legs up and holding them against my chest as the men lined up in front of Jordan.
He was in just as terrible shape as the rest of us, though the fae seemed to be handling it better than I was.
“The second challenge is mud wrestling,” Jordan said, flashing the guys a grin that looked genuine despite the hell we were all going through. “The top two will fly with Erin to a spa nearby, and spend more than twenty-four hours relaxing indoors, with all the food they can stomach.”
“Indoors, as in, out of the rain?” Harker asked, eyes glittering with hope.
Maybe the guys were suffering as much as I was, minus the shivering.
“Yup,” Jordan confirmed.
“What kind of food?” Rhett asked.
“We have chefs there to make whatever you want.”
The steel that set into Rhett’s eyes told me he was going to play this time.
A few guys exchanged grimaces.
They must’ve put that together too.
No one had told me much—they mostly avoided talking to me—but I’d gotten the impression that Rhett wasn’t someone that anyone messed with. He was at least strong enough that he’d been chosen to guard Molly during her season.
Kyle grinned. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
The groans that echoed from two of the smaller guys said everyone knew who was going to win.
And sure enough, when the wrestling began, Kyle and Rhett destroyed everyone else. It wasn’t even a competition.
An hour after the challenge began, Rhett had me crushed against his grumbling chest as he, Kyle, and Jordan took off from the beach.
I didn’t mind at all, because I was finally going to get dry.
The spa was a small building just off the beach of a massive island. The building looked new enough for me to think the Society had paid to have it built themselves.
I didn’t ask where in the world it was.
I didn’t really care, honestly.
Just wanted to get out of the rain.
Rhett landed on the smooth porch, shifting his wings away as the roof over our heads protected us from falling water.
Jordan led us inside, and a friendly woman gave us a quick tour of the place.