Page 52 of Velvet Vengeance

“So you’re the neighborhood watch?”

“Something like that,” Henry tells me, his eyes flashing with anger. “The folk in my neighborhood have been there for generations, you know. Then, about a year ago, the motel, which was a nice family place once, turned into what it is now.” His jaw clenches. “A shit hole for pimps to run their whores, drug dealers, and highfalutin fuckers to bring their mistresses.”

“I’m sorry, Henry.” Isabella’s voice is filled with compassion. “You’re doing a good thing, though.”

“I’m trying,” Henry replies. “I don’t know how much longer I can do this. My helpers are either too young or past their prime.”

“Why did you leave the military?” Isabella asks, although I think it’s pretty obvious a pilot can’t fly with a blind eye.

“I was wounded when I had to eject from my jet,” Henry tells us. “After that, they put me into intelligence. I stayed for a while and learned a lot, but once you’ve had wings…” He shakes his head and sighs. “You feel like a jaguar that’s been caged.”

“I understand the feeling of being caged.” Isabella’s voice is soft. “I have an overprotective father.”

Henry drives out of the town limits and hits the motorway. A few miles out, there’s a sign for car rentals where he pulls into. “Here you go.”

“Thanks, Henry.” I shake his hand and climb out of the car, pulling out my wallet, but he stops me.

“No need,” Henry says, shaking his head. “But, if you even need security help…” He pulls a card from his pocket and hands it to Isabella. “Just call.”

She smiles and takes it before getting out of the car and standing by Henry’s window. She pulls a driver’s license from the bag and hands it to me. “Can you get a car so long?”

I hesitate for a moment, wondering if Isabella is playing me and going to bolt, then shake it off. No, I have to trust her. Nodding, I give Henry one last wave and walk into the car rental place. I stand in a position where I can talk to the clerk behind the desk and keep an eye on Isabella—just in case.

“Hello, how can I help you?” the perky young woman behind the desk asks.

“I’d like a vehicle. My wife and I are traveling around Canada.”

“Of course,” the woman smiles. “Luxury, standard, or an RV?”

“You have RVs?” My eyes narrow.

For a minute, I’m tempted to rent one, and then we can just stick to the road. Stop along the way and rest. My mind and cock pick that time to tease me about what else we can stop along the way for.

“Yes, sir.” She nods. “We have some amazing options too.”

“Can you give me a minute? Let me check with my wife.”

“Of course.” She smiles.

As I walk out, I frown, seeing Isabella handing Henry a key.

“Go to the bus station and find locker 1024,” Isabella says softly to him. “Consider it my contribution to the Henry Neighborhood Watch. There is also a pager in there. If you use code 259, backup will come, and they’ll know I called them to help you.”

“Thank you, Jackie,” Henry’s good eye darkens with emotion.

He’s obviously not used to someone helping him. I make a mental note to help him as soon as I can by cleaning up that motel and making his neighborhood safe again. There’s not a lot of people like Henry left in this world.

“Do you want to rent an RV?” I call.

“No!” Henry and Isabella say in unison before turning and grinning at each other in some private joke.

“RVs will put you at risk,” Henry explains. “They are cumbersome and easy to track. Get one of their late-model cars or SUVs. Head five miles up the motorway, and I’ll meet you there to disable the GPS.”

“We can’t ask you to do that.” Isabella looks at Henry. “You could get into trouble.”

Henry shrugs. “Who’s going to know but the three of us?” He grins like he’s enjoying himself. “There are no cameras around here.”

“Thank you, Henry,” I nod and smile before going back into the car rental. I opt for an SUV just in case we have to do some impromptu off-roading.