“And, you’re such a sentimental fool,” she added, with a smile. “You bought a Riley Flynn jersey?”
Yep, Kieran was wearing the new Riley Flynn jersey he’d bought at the game. It had made sense. He liked Riley so much, and why shouldn’t he want to do everything he could to support the guy?
His older jersey was Deacon’s, from ages ago, when he’d first been drafted by the Condors, so it had been time to get a new one, anyway.
Kieran shrugged again, flushing a little.
“I guess that’s the best way you could buy a Jonathan Kelley jersey without actually buying one,” she teased.
“If that had been a choice, I’m sure that would’ve been mine.” Kieran wasn’t ashamed of that. How could he be?
“Exactly,” Nadia said. And made a shooing motion with her hands. “Now get out of here and go home to your very cute, very successful boyfriend. Celebrate properly, alright?”
“I . . .uh . . .are you sure?” Kieran glanced around as he slid behind the bar. “It’s pretty busy.”
“And,” Nadia said firmly, “we have it handled.”
“Alright.” Kieran knew when it was right to give up gracefully. “Next week we’ll talk about a raise. Maybe a manager role.”
Nadia’s eyebrows lifted.
“You’re doing the work of a manager,” Kieran said. “And if I want to spend more time with my very cute boyfriend, I’m going to need more help.”
Nadia gave him a nod and went back to the drink orders spitting out of the ticket machine.
Kieran pulled his phone out of his pocket as he walked home. Meet me at my place? he sent to Jon.
He’d walked the few blocks to his townhouse before he got a text back. Be there in an hour. Or so. Apparently everyone’s decided we’re going somewhere after two freaking games.
It WAS a great game.
After the beginning, yeah. Ugh.
But you guys pulled it off, anyway. You never gave up. Because it’s not in your DNA.
You’re really missing your calling as a pep talker.
No. Kieran thought about this as he let himself into the house. Caught sight of himself in the hallway mirror in his Flynn jersey. Then he kept typing. No, I’m right where I need to be. Right where I’m supposed to be.
And in an hour (hopefully) I will be too. With you.
Chapter 12
An hour and thirteen minutes later, Jon finally pulled up to Kieran’s townhouse.
It had been an absolute rollercoaster of a day.
Started out optimistic, Jon excited that Kieran was coming to their first home game, excited and fearful about Riley’s first start—but then that first play had happened, and Jon had been forced to keep his attitude level, keep his stomach from plummeting to the turf—but then his new quarterback had turned it around.
Had proved exactly why Jon had woken up with his blood buzzing this morning.
It was still buzzing, fourteen hours later.
Maybe he should be tired, but all he felt was elation—and an intense desire to finally see his boyfriend.
Jumping out of his car, he jogged up the steps and used the key Kieran had given him to unlock the door.
“Hey!” he called out. “I’m home.”