Page 26 of Summer Catch

And Jon not only enjoyed it, he loved it.

His own cock throbbed in his jeans as he let Kieran’s length slide along his tongue, then farther still, the tip of it sinking into the back of his throat.

He went slow, but deep, and let Kieran feel every inch of it being buried in his mouth. Sucked hard, enjoying the precome that slicked his tongue, eased his way.

There was nothing hotter than this, than making the man he was so crazy about moan and even one memorable time, scream.

This wouldn’t be one of those times—they were both too close to the edge already, too long since they last time they’d gotten to do this—but Jon was okay with that.

But before the point of no return, to Jon’s surprise, Kieran tugged his hair. Encouraging him to pull back.

“What?” Jon loved the way his voice got rough and desperate when he was doing this.

“Not like this,” Kieran said and pulled him, then dragged him towards the bedroom.

There was lube now, in Jon’s bedside table, because he’d learned he liked a finger pressing right up against his prostate when Kieran was blowing him. Something, he realized, he could’ve lived without learning his whole life if he hadn’t met this man and he hadn’t opened up a whole new world of pleasure to him.

“What do you want?” Jon asked as Kieran pulled his shirt off and finally unzipped his jeans, letting them fall to the floor.

“You, inside me,” Kieran said, his own voice equally rough, even though he hadn’t been sucking cock.

“God, yes, that, please.” Jon grabbed the lube, fingers lingering over the box of condoms he’d picked up a few weeks back in an attempt to be proactive.

“We’ll need those for now,” Kieran said, shooting him a smile full of promise.

Jon’s fingers were trembling as he tried to open the bottle. He’d done his research, of course. He had some idea of how to do this, but the reality was daunting.

“It’s alright,” Kieran said, comprehension dawning in his eyes. He plucked the bottle from Jon. “We’ll do it together.”

Jon squeezed his eyes shut, desire rising him in in a hard, inescapable wave. “God, that’s hot.”

“Even hotter to do it,” Kieran said. He slid a finger back, resting right along his hole. Then he slipped it inside and Jon let out a sharp breath.

“Come on,” Kieran coaxed, his voice cracking as his finger disappeared farther in.

“Are you sure?” Jon asked and Kieran just laughed.

“Promise I can take it,” he said.

So Jon did as he said, slicking up a finger and letting it slide right up against Kieran’s.

He was so hot and tight inside Jon swallowed hard. How was he going to actually do this without losing all his control?

“Yeah, yeah, just like that,” Kieran said with a groan as they fucked him, two fingers going deeper and deeper. “Give me another.”

“Are you—”

But Jon swallowed his question when Kieran shot him a hot look.

A look that promised retribution if he didn’t give him exactly what he wanted.

And while the retribution would one hundred percent be of the sexy variety, Jon still wanted to give his lover everything he wanted.

Carefully, he tucked a second finger alongside Kieran’s and as Kieran groaned, slid them in and out.

Too soon, Kieran shuddered and said, “That’s good. That’s enough. I’m gonna fucking come that’s too hot.”

Jon gave another thrust and then another, enjoying the faces Kieran made, before pulling out and grabbing the condom.