Page 21 of Summer Catch

Jon was really glad he was in his office, alone, and he was sitting at his desk, because Kieran texted back. You. Hard and leaking against my tongue and coming down my throat.

He cleared his throat. Feeling the hard, aching pulse throbbing insistently in his pants.

You’re not playing fair.

And you like it.

I love it.

You going hard to your meeting?

I’m TRYING not to but someone insists on tormenting me.

Bad news. We got another reservation for tonight. It’s gonna be packed. Not gonna be able to meet up.

Jon groaned out loud.

I know, Kieran texted before Jon could even answer. I’m bummed, too. But you’re gonna still get yourself off. I’m gonna talk you through it.


Jon tried to pretend that his heartbeat accelerating was because what Kieran was suggesting was reckless and stupid and he shouldn’t do it. But in reality, he didn’t think he’d ever been this excited, ever.

He wanted all of this, and he wanted more.

You have your meeting, Kieran said, and Jon could practically hear his words in that cute, teasing tone of his. After. Later tonight. I’ll slip away before it gets busy. I wanna talk you through it. I wanna hear you come.

What about you?

I’m gonna enjoy the hell out of just this. Trust me on this one.

“You ready for the meeting?”

Jon looked up from his phone, feeling flushed and guilty.

“I . . .uh . . .yeah,” he stammered.

Randy, the offensive coordinator, had poked his head into his office, and gave him a confused glance at Jon’s awkwardness.

“You sure you’re okay? Mr. G. saw you dancing down the hallway this morning, and now this?”

“Mr. G saw that?” He’d had no idea his boss had seen him being so excited about Kieran. Of course, Mr. G might understand, being queer himself, but their focus needed to be on this football team. Besides, whatever was going on with Kieran was so new that Jon wasn’t ready yet to talk about it.

He thought he would, eventually, but he’d always tried to keep his personal life and his professional life separate. In his opinion, they didn’t need to cross. Whatever he was doing with Kieran, as long as it was well . . .mostly . . .in his off time, then why did it matter? If he did his job, that was what should matter to Mr. G and the rest of the team.

“Oh, he did. Was laughing about it.”

The one positive was that Randy’s questions had finally softened his erection. Jon picked up his laptop and his notepad and headed towards the door, joining Randy as they walked towards the conference room.

“I bet he was,” Jon said dryly.

“I was expectin’ you’d be telling me that the rookies shaped up in practice last night, or something,” Randy joked.

“God, I wish,” Jon said.

“We’ll get them ready.”

“I’m glad you’re feeling confident about it,” Jon retorted.