My eyes widened, and I could only hold back for a second. My hand went to her neck, and my lips slammed against hers. Her hands gripped my shirt and pulled me closer.
She kissed me back, and everything was right in the world. The weight I’d been holding on my shoulders lifted off of me as I melted into this kiss with her. I didn’t need her to go public with everything, just me, and she had agreed. She wanted to be with me, and wanted the world to know. Okay, maybe not the world because who would care about us, but at least our small town would know.
Backing away, I asked, “Are you sure?”
“Too late for second guessing, but yes. I’m positive.”
She pulled me back down to kiss her. Emily was mine-all-mine, and I was hers-only-hers. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight to me. For the first time in two and a half long weeks, everything felt right again.
“Wait, is that dedication in all your books?” I asked as we separated.
Emily laughed, “Don’t worry the P.S. is still between you and me. Not even Meghan got to see it.”
I breathed out a sigh of relief as I wrapped my arm around Emily’s shoulders and led her to her table where Meghan, Trey, and my sister were helping to set everything up for her. It didn’t matter anymore how well this event did or didn’t do. We’d tried our hardest, and in the end I would always have Emily.
Chapter 38
Our reconciliation was cut short as we started getting ready for the event. More authors arrived, and Meghan left me and Lacey to finish the setup of my table. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t completely fangirling when Addison March arrived. I tried so hard not to completely lose my shit over not only getting to meet her but to sit on a panel with her.
When Addison arrived, her eyes scanned the entirety of the park before landing on me, and my table. She rushed over to me and my eyes widened.
“Oh my freaking god, Donna Smith! I cannot believe I get to meet you. You are one of my favorite authors, and it’s such a pleasure to meet you.”
“Me?” I squeaked.
“Yes, you. Ok, ok, ok, I need to calm down. I’m probably freaking you out.”
My mouth opened and closed a few times in shock before I blurted out, “No! I’m … I’m in shock because I love your books. And I can’t believe you’ve read my books.”
Her eyes widened as she squealed, “This is so amazing I can’t believe how lucky I am. Well, we are. We have to sit down while I’m in town. I’d love to chat with you.”
“Absolutely. Maybe we could meet for breakfast tomorrow, the diner in town is fantastic. I hope you were able to book good accommodations.”
“Yes, I rented a little vacation place on the outskirts of town from Muffy Summers?”
“Ah yes, Muffy is actually my friend's mom. They live down in Tennessee and rent their home up here. Their neighbors are amazing and help to manage it.”
“Yes, Adam, he greeted me yesterday when I arrived. Left a wonderful local wine. I may have had one too many glasses. I always get nervous before events.”
“Oh, well this is a smaller event and for a fantastic cause.”
“You jumped in at the last minute, it’s been the talk of the book world for the last two weeks,” Addison said, and I rolled my lips with a smile.
“I’ll admit, I panicked a bit after posting, and I haven’t spent much time on social media since. My best friend has been handling that side for me.”
“Everything I’ve seen has been excitement from your readers, so don’t worry too much. I better get over to my table and get it ready. Talk to you soon,” Addison said as she started strolling away, then stopping abruptly to turn back to me. “Oh, I need you to sign my copy of your book.”
“Absolutely! And same!”
My cheeks were heated as I breathed out and turned to Lacey, who stood there looking at me wide eyed.
“You bookish people are interesting,” she stated, and I scowled at her.
“I’ll turn you into a reader soon enough,” I warned and she laughed.
The rest of the signing went beautifully. A few people from town showed up and thankfully they all called me by my pen name. Readers knew the rules about pen names well and rarely broke the rule. I liked to think of my pen name as a sort of mask I wore. There was Emily, and then there was Donna. The two were converging into one but my real identity was, thankfully, still being kept a secret.