There was a needy, uncontrolled, desire driving him, and it surrounded me wholly. I couldn’t care about possibly being caught, not as my pleasure was being held on a knife’s edge. As his other hand slipped from my hip to my front, his finger circling my clit, my body trembled. He was everywhere at once, pushing me higher, my senses overloaded with each thrust he made.
As every muscle in my body went tight, he whispered, “Let go.”
My vision darkened as I lost control over my body, and every muscle snapped, giving in to the pleasure traveling through me. With a stifled grunt Ryan followed me over the edge, each squeeze of my walls met each pulse of his release. He laid over me as we collapsed to the top of his desk again.
“Maybe I should wear dresses more often,” I whispered breathlessly.
“We will never complete our work,” he whispered back with a chuckle.
He reached over to the edge of the desk where a tissue box sat. He pulled a couple before his cock slipped from me. Gently he wiped at my pussy before he slid my underwear back into place and covered it with my dress. As I pushed from the desk, he tucked himself away.
Turning to him, he pulled me into his arms and kissed me. For a few minutes, we stood there with his arms wrapped around my shoulders and mine wrapped around his waist. It was perfect.
And I was falling hard for him.
“We should get our work done,” he whispered, and I nodded against his chest.
Separating, he closed his laptop while I walked over to my bag, thankful I chose flats instead of heels with the way my legs felt weak. He pulled open the top drawer of his desk, grabbing a few folders from inside before he joined me at the door. As he unlocked the door and pulled it open, I smirked. I could only imagine how embarrassing it would have been if someone had walked in on us and was incredibly grateful he had locked it.
As we walked down the hall, he gave me the few updates he had on authors who signed up to attend. Exiting the hall, Betsy was busy at the computer still, and she didn’t move her eyes from it as we walked past. Once again we dodged becoming the next hot topic of the town.
Inside the study room, we both set up, and I immediately opened my book to write the ending. I knew exactly what I wanted to happen and got to work finishing it up. Once I finished, I would do a few read throughs to find any possible plot holes before I sent it to Meghan for editing.
A couple hours later, I straightened in my chair to stretch out my back and wake my body up a little bit. The downside to having amazing sex was my body wanted to do nothing but relax afterward. I wasn’t complaining. Sex with Ryan was phenomenal. Glancing over at him, his eyebrows were pinched as he stared at his laptop.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
His eyes jumped from his laptop to meet mine, and there was serious concern there. Everything from a problem with his family to one of our friends being hurt ran through my brain until the hint of anger came through in his expression.
“You are not going to believe this,” he said.
I rounded the table and he pointed to an event on the screen. My mouth dropped open in shock. In the past, the church had done some shady things, but I never expected them to do something like this. Something so clearly manipulative.
“How the hell did they manage this?” Ryan asked, pushing his fingers through his hair.
The event listing showed MCCC had put together a full-on concert with a popular Christian recording artist on the same freaking day as our book festival. We were now in a battle for available accommodations for the competing events.
Collapsing into the chair next to Ryan, I didn’t know what to say or do. We were completely blindsided and low on funds. We couldn’t reserve accommodations for our event knowing we wouldn’t get those deposits back if the places weren’t booked. The church wasn’t just trying to take city funds from the library, this was a blatant attempt to stop the library from getting any funding and needing to close its doors for good.
“We need a super popular author to accept a table, and we need it today,” Ryan said with a groan.
“I-- I can’t,” I started and his attention snapped to me.
“No, I didn’t mean you. I know how you feel, and I wouldn’t put you in that position. You still have to live here after the event is over.”
I sighed, but my brain continued to wage a battle. I could reveal who I was and possibly save our event, or I could stay hidden and possibly lose the library and Ryan. If the library closed its doors, Ryan would be jobless and likely have to move to wherever he could land a job in his original field. I didn’t want to lose him, but I also didn’t want to put my friends and family in a position where they would need to defend me against the haters that would come flying out of the woodwork.
Pulling my phone from my bag, I quickly called Meghan.
“What’s up?” She answered.
“We have a problem. MCCC announced a concert with Nikki Blessed for the same day as the book festival.”
“Son of a bitch!”
“I know.”
Meghan was silent for a moment before she said, “We already have Jason and Carrie at the Orchard Inn, but maybe Dylan Anderson can help us out.”