If I can’t figure out a way to save the library, I might have no choice but to return to a soul sucking job in the city again. Walking into the library early in the morning, I appeared rough due to a lack of sleep. After flipping on lights, turning on the computers at the front desk, and setting the heat, I stepped into my office to set down my things. Maybe I could hide in here all day and avoid interactions with the public.
“Well, don’t you look bright eyed and bushy tailed,” Betsy quipped as she stood in the doorway.
“Betsy, I can’t today. I’ve got too much to do.”
“I take it the meeting didn’t go well,” she said, ignoring my statement.
“No it didn’t and I have to find a way to raise funds to keep our doors open or it’s all done.”
“Well, you have connections. Whether you realize it or not. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” She turned to leave then stopped and said, “By the way, Emily was here yesterday, and I think she was looking for you.”
My head snapped up, but she was already walking away. Was Emily’s answer good or bad? Would she agree to date me? How the hell was I going to get into a relationship with Emily when my time here might be limited?
Pushing my concerns away, I got to work looking through our records to find out who our most checked out authors were. My focus needed to go into contacting as many people as I could to secure funding to save the library.
Like clockwork, at eight forty-five my eyes lifted from my computer to look at the time. Normally, I’d be walking out of the office so I could be at the front desk to greet Emily when she walked in, except I was feeling like a massive failure. If her answer wasn’t good, I didn’t want to know it yet. It was better to live in ignorance.
Nine o’clock rolled by, and I forced myself to stay at my desk to continue going through our records to find out which authors were popular in our town. I began calling other library directors in some of the larger nearby towns and leaving messages. If I could find out popular authors in nearby areas too, they also might be willing to support us.
A few hours later, Betsy stomped into my office.
“What are you doing?”
Caught off-guard by her stern tone, I answered, “I’m trying to put together information so I can save the library.”
“Emily is sitting in that study room, waiting for you.”
“She is not waiting for me, she’s working.”
“With as many times as she’s peeked up from her computer and scanned the space, I’d say she’s hoping to see you.”
“Betsy,” I started but she raised her hand.
“Ryan, get over your shit and go talk to her,” Betsy demanded, pointing in the general direction of where Emily was.
She left no room for argument. I sighed and stood from my chair then walked out of the office. Betsy followed me down the hall and, reaching the front desk, she moved to sit at the computer while I shuffled my way toward Emily.
As I made my way across the library toward the study room, I avoided looking into the window, afraid I’d see an apologetic expression on her face because she’d reject me. Unable to avoid the inevitable, I lifted my eyes and they met hers. Her eyes glittered, the corner of her mouth lifted, and, suddenly, I wasn’t concerned I’d be receiving any type of bad news from her.
Unfortunately, I had bad news to deliver to her. Guilt overtook me knowing I’d have to reveal that if I couldn’t save the library, there was a good chance I’d end up leaving town. It wasn’t the right time to start a relationship despite my desperation to start one with her.
Chapter 20
Looking up from my computer, for the millionth time this morning, Ryan was walking toward the room and I breathed out a sigh of relief. I was afraid I wasn’t going to see him again when he wasn’t at the front desk this morning. As time passed and he still hadn’t appeared, I wondered if maybe he’d changed his mind.
As he walked toward the study room, his head hung slightly and his expression was downturned. Had he changed his mind?
His hair was mussed like he shoved his hands through it a hundred times. Darkness tinted the skin under his eyes, and his skin seemed paler than usual. Maybe he wasn’t feeling well?
When he finally gazed up at me, there was worry across his face. The corner of my mouth lifted and his shoulders relaxed slightly. His eyes brightened, and I breathed a sigh of relief it wasn’t me he was nervous about. Except, something else must have happened for him to appear so tired and even a little defeated. As he approached the door, I remained seated - keeping myself from leaping across the room and kissing him.
“Hey,” he murmured as he entered the room and closed the door behind him.
“Hey,” I responded.
Ryan took a seat across from me and placed his hands on the table, folding them together.