“Well, I need to get going. Dinner is waiting,” I remarked in a lull of our conversation.

Ryan glanced at the time on his cell phone, after pulling it from his pocket, and his eyes widened.

His initially concerned expression softened when he said, “I want to apologize for taking up all your time today, but I enjoyed talking to you so much I can’t find it in me to feel sorry.”

My cheeks heated as I replied, “I’m not mad about it, it was nice getting to know you.”

I began packing up my laptop and notebook while simultaneously trying to hide my reddening cheeks. Once everything was put away, we both stood from the table.

“So you’ll be back next week?” Ryan asked as he walked me toward the front.

“Yeah, my apartment is typically quieter on the weekends.”

“Your apartment is loud during the week?”

“Well, my upstairs neighbor likes to play her music loud while she works. I don’t mind, plus the change of scenery seems to have helped my creativity.”

Reaching the door, we stopped and turned toward each other. Both of us awkwardly stared at each other trying to figure out what came next. Chewing on my lip, I nervously looked up at Ryan, whose eyebrows pinched together in confusion.

“I should probably mention, not many people know what I actually do for a living, and I’d like to keep it that way,” I said quietly.

His eyes widened in understanding, before he gave me a small smile and nodded his head.

“Absolutely, I completely understand. Your secret profession is safe with me.”

“Thank you.” I sighed, as a rush of relief ran through me.

Ryan definitely seemed trustworthy, so I wasn’t super concerned he’d share my secret with anyone else. I hoped he didn’t because I would hate to have my family and friends suffer as outcasts too.

“I hope you have a good night.” Ryan tipped his chin down and gave me a crooked smile.

Smiling brightly, I replied, “I hope you have a good one too.”

Turning, I pushed through the doors. Spotting a sleeping Neil on the bench, the corner of my mouth tipped up. Betsy would wake him soon enough, so I’d let him get his rest. On the walk back to my apartment I had a little more pep in my step than normal. I’d have to push through and get my word count in tonight at home, as well as maybe get some writing done this weekend. But the smile on my face felt permanent, for more than just excitement over my weekend writing plans.

Chapter 7


“Isee you finally grew some balls and talked to her,” Betsy remarked after the doors closed behind Emily.

I didn’t turn to her, my eyes still glued on Emily as she began walking down the sidewalk. Once she disappeared from sight I turned to Betsy, unable to remove the small smile on my face.

“Yeah, she’s incredibly sweet. She comes here for peace and quiet.”

“Yet she spent half the day talking to you.” Betsy smirked.

“Betsy, I need you to do me a favor,” I said.

“What’s that?”

“Please don’t tell anyone Emily and I are talking. I know how the rumor mill is in this town, and I don’t want her freaking out if someone starts making it more than a new budding friendship.”

Betsy raised a single eyebrow at me, but she agreed, “Ruby will be pissed if I don’t share this with her, but she doesn’t need to know everything.”

“Thank you.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, I was grateful Betsy would keep what she witnessed to herself. Both Betsy and my friends had told me Emily was introverted and didn’t like being in the spotlight. I completely understood and wanted to make sure she was protected from being the subject of gossip. After walking into my office, I sat down at the desk and hoped to get some work done before it was time to leave.