“Probably never,” I mumbled.

“I don’t get it. You’re a good looking guy. Why are you so shy when it comes to her?” Levi asked.

“I’ve never been great with women. I’m more of a ‘let me seduce you with my awkwardness’ type of guy. Plus, I never have an opportunity to actually talk to her.”

“Isn’t she at the library five days a week?” Preston asked, the corner of his mouth ticking up.

“Yes … working. I don’t want to disturb her.”

“What does she do for a living again?” Levi asked Trey.

“Last I knew, she was a freelance writer,” Trey answered.

“What exactly does a freelance writer do?” Levi asked.

“Articles for websites, or blog posts mostly,” Trey responded.

Maybe if I researched freelance writing, I could use it to strike up a conversation with her? If I ever actually found the confidence to talk to her. Was talking about someone’s work a great way to start a conversation? What if she didn’t like what she did for a living?

My eyes drifted over to Emily, just as her head turned away from me. Had she been looking at me?

A little bubble of hope that she saw me, actually saw me, grew in me but quickly popped. She was probably scanning the bar for a second before turning her attention elsewhere.

“Why is the doctor talking to my sister?” Trey asked and my eyes moved to Dr. Benjamin Cooper as he spoke to Meghan.

As an older brother to a younger sister myself, I understood his protectiveness. Plus, after the tension Aaron’s presence created, due to the history between them, Trey was in over-protective mode. The doctor mostly kept to himself - a primary care physician who moved into town seven years ago, based on what Betsy told me. He was affiliated with a hospital the next town over, but most of his patients lived in Maple Creek.

“Why are you freaking out about the doctor?” Levi asked.

“I don’t like the guy,” Trey grunted.

“Because he told you to take a couple weeks off after you smashed your hand,” Levi grumbled and Trey glared at him.

I rolled my eyes before finishing my beer. Pulling out my wallet, I dropped cash down on the table.

“Where are you going?” Trey asked.

“Home. I’m exhausted.”

The three of them nodded at me before I turned to walk out of the bar. Between Preston and me, one of us always left early. The auto shop Preston worked at was reaching the end of their slow season, so it was going to be me leaving first for at least a couple more weeks.

Before leaving the bar, I glanced again at Emily and her hazel eyes met mine. She gave me a crooked smile, and my shoulders relaxed as I gave her a nod and a smile back.

As soon as the door closed behind me, I began cursing myself for not taking the opportunity to approach her. She was absolutely breathtaking tonight - wearing jeans and a maroon sweater - but she was always gorgeous to me.

Stupid. Why didn’t you approach her?

Because I didn’t know what to talk to her about. All I knew about her was what other people have told me. What the hell would I do, ask her about her freelance writing? She never told me about her job. How awkward would it be for us both knowing I asked about her?

One of these days I was going to have to face the risk of rejection and approach her. If I wanted to date her and get to know her, I was going to have to take a chance. Why the hell were women so intimidating?

Chapter 4


Igazed after Ryan as he walked out, and turning back to Meghan, who raised her eyebrow at me. Shit. Shit. Shit. Act casual.

She ended the conversation she was having with Dr. Ben, claiming it was girl’s night, before turning back to me with a small smile and rounded eyes. She was like a dog sniffing out a treat when it came to possible love interests in the town. A hopeless romantic for everyone but herself, I could already see the gears turning in her head.