How hadn’t I recognized the resemblance between Ryan and Lacey before? Same black hair, same eye shape but with different colors, and a similar smile. Lacey was giving me that smile as I stood in the hall.

“Hey, Emily, right? How are you?”

“I’m good, but um, I kinda need to talk to you?”

“Oh, is it about my brother? You two are dating, right?” She asked as she opened the door wide and gestured in.

“Yes, obviously keeping it a little quiet so the town doesn’t gossip and all that,” I said as I entered and she closed the door behind me.

Her apartment was bright and airy with a mix of gray and blue in the modern style furniture. There were bright colors in abstract art hung on the walls. It was nice, clean, and looked like something out of a magazine.

“But that’s not why I’m here … and there’s no real easy way to say this so I’m going to word vomit. You see I can hear your … night job, and well …”

“Oh god!”

“I know! And it’s none of my business. However, I don’t know if Ryan knows, or if you are even comfortable with Ryan knowing. But I have your back, and well, he’s coming over in an hour or so.”

Her face paled as she glanced back toward her bedroom and then back to me and said, “I’m a cam girl. It’s how I’m paying off student loans ... for a degree I’m not even using. Shit. I have an appointment tonight, and I can’t cancel.”

“Do you want me to see if I can cancel?” I asked, hating to offer it but also knowing I wasn’t quite ready to break this particular news to him.

She waved off the suggestion and said, “No, I’ll figure it out. Maybe I can convince the guy into an ASMR session.”

“Is that a thing?” My eyebrows drew together, creasing my forehead.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to try. Oh my god, I’m so sorry you’ve heard me.”

I waved my hand, “I’m a support-women woman, so it’s no big deal. I only wanted to warn you so you didn’t out yourself if Ryan was over. I’ve kept it a secret and wouldn’t dream of telling anyone.”

“I appreciate it. I’ll see what I can do. Hopefully this won’t end badly for all of us.” Lacey groaned as I made my way to the door.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” With my words she gave me a look like I couldn’t possibly know that, and well, she was right so I added, “Hopefully.”

A few hours later, I had a movie playing on the TV while Ryan and I were talking on the couch. I didn’t dare try to move this into the bedroom because … awkward, and, thankfully, he seemed content to cuddle on the sofa. At least he was until a loud noise came from upstairs startling both of us. When passion filled shouts came from above, Ryan blinked up at the ceiling with a horrified expression.

“Who the hell does she have up there?” He questioned more to himself.

I slowly slipped out of our cuddled position, and said, “Well, she is a twenty-six year old woman.”

His eyes meet mine. “Is this why I wasn’t invited over?”

“The walls are really thin in this building.”

Suddenly, a clear shout of a name bled through the ceiling and I winced. Ryan shuddered and jumped to his feet.

“No, absolutely not. Pack a bag.”

“What?” I gasped.

“How the hell do you get any sleep? I will talk to her tomorrow but you’re spending the night with me because I am not cutting this date short over … whatever the hell my sister is doing.” He pointed up to the ceiling, wincing when another shout came from upstairs.

“You really don’t need to talk to her about it, it’s fine really.”

“This is not fine, is she waking up her other neighbors too? It’s rude, and oh, god, I cannot hear this anymore. Pack a bag right now, we need to go.”

Loving the slightly bossy tone, I jumped up from the sofa and went to my bedroom where I quickly packed an overnight bag with my shower supplies and everything I would need. Walking back out into the living room, Ryan was plugging his ears as he stood by the door, a painful expression on his face.

“Ready?” He asked and I gave him a sympathetic nod.