Pushing through the door, I turned to walk toward her apartment before I lost my determination. Nerves ran through me, but I was bound and determined to do this - even if I was scared as hell she’d reject me.
Like an angel, Emily appeared carrying groceries toward her building. Her hair was down straight, she wore her navy peacoat, and she stole my breath away like every other time I stared at her. She was beautiful, and it didn’t matter what her appearance was like, I studied every single one of them. Checking the road, I darted across the street toward her.
“Hey Emily,” I shouted and she stopped and turned toward me as I approached, “You didn’t come to the library today.”
She stared up at me wide-eyed for a second before she said, “Oh, yeah. I worked from home. I didn’t feel like getting out of my comfy clothes until like noon.”
“I missed seeing you.” I stepped up to her, her head tipped back and she smiled softly.
“You did?”
“Yeah, I did,” I whispered before I leaned down.
Gripping the back of her neck, I pressed my lips to hers. The thud of her bags hitting the ground sounded in my ears as her hands gripped the sides of my jacket and pulled me closer. She was holding on to me like I might drift away. It only confirmed my original thoughts, she was definitely into me.
I simply had to give her a reason to come back for more.
Releasing her, I took a step back as her hands unclenched from my jacket. She blinked up at me, her lips parted as we quietly took each other in. Bending down, I picked up her bags and handed them to her.
Looking into her eyes, I said, “Just so you know, I don’t want to be just friends. And I don’t think you want to be just friends either. But the ball is in your court. I’d be honored to date you. So, think about it, and when you’ve made your decision, come find me.”
The corner of her mouth ticked up, then she licked her pretty pink lips before giving me a nod. I tipped my head and turned around to walk back to my car.
Would I have loved for her to tell me then and there? Of course. The anticipation was going to kill me, but I needed her to know she could take her time and think it through without me pestering her.
I fought the desire to run back to her and kiss her until she admitted she was mine. Instead, I stared up at the night sky and wished on every star she’d tell me yes, that she wanted to be more than friends, too. And someday soon, I’d be able to claim her as mine and she’d claim me as hers.
Chapter 18
Iwas speechless, mainly because it took everything within me to hold off blurting out my answer. Despite my gut screaming at me to go for it, I held back. I absolutely wanted more with Ryan, but I still had concerns.
My apprehension to date Ryan didn’t disappear because he was a fantastic kisser, one I happened to want to kiss again and again. There were things I wanted to figure out first. Mainly, how I’d like to keep the entire thing a close friends or family only secret for now. I didn’t want the town doing to us what they did before. My ex left town, not because of the rumors or pressure, but because his job here was over, but I suffered the pitiful looks and rumors over being the reason, yet again, why a man left this town.
Ryan wouldn’t be leaving town, and if the town pulled its shit again, it was going to make the entire situation painful. I’d rather have the chance to test out being in a relationship, and give us an opportunity to get to know each other. It would avoid any possible pain and keep everyone else’s opinions or pressure out of our decisions.
Glancing down at the grocery bags in my hand, I thanked the universe I hadn’t bought anything in glass jars after dropping them. Turning, I failed to hide the smile creeping up on me and headed toward my apartment.
I’d had a crush on Ryan for some time now, and I wanted to pursue it, but dating in a small town meant everyone was involved in the relationship. They’d overhear half a story and make up their own conclusions, or they’d see a couple having a conversation and suddenly it was a full blown domestic disturbance. If someone didn’t like the pairing, for whatever reason, the couple might spend an awful lot of time defending their relationship.
Who I dated and what we did shouldn’t be anybody else’s business, but they’d sure as hell try to make it their business. I needed to make sure Ryan was prepared for dealing with being the hot topic of conversation.
Would I let myself pass up an opportunity to date someone I had a lot in common with, and genuinely enjoyed his company, simply because of what other people might say? No, of course I wouldn’t. But Ryan wasn’t from here, and I wanted to hash out a few of these things before we agreed to dating.
I could talk to Meghan about it, but I didn’t want to risk an accidental slip while she was gabbing with other people. She’d never do it intentionally, and most of the time was a vault, but I also didn’t want her trying to meddle in the possibility of Ryan and I anymore than the suspicious glances she’d shoot in our direction.
After entering my apartment and putting away my groceries, I dropped down on my sofa and pulled out my phone. There was one person who I could talk to about this without anyone else in the town finding out because she always avoided speaking to anyone here.
“Hey,” Poppy answered.
“Hey, so I have an issue, and I need to talk it through.”
“Okay?” Poppy’s voice turned concerned.
“You know I hate being the center of attention and gossip. There is this guy I really like, and he likes me, but I’m afraid if people in town find out, they’ll ruin a potentially good thing. Am I making too much out of this?”
Poppy sighed, “You can’t let a few assholes you aren’t even friends with stop you from living your life.”