“He’ll take her back to his place, give her a beer instead of a glass of water like any well respected gentleman would do. He’ll brush her hair away from her neck and put his lying lips there,” Levi joined in.
“Fine!” I yelled a little louder than I meant to, and every head in the bar turned toward us.
“Let’s go,” Trey stated, and we all began to move from the table.
“I’ll drive,” Preston stated, pulling his keys from his pocket.
“I cannot believe I let you all manipulate me,” I grumbled as we strolled through the glass door and out into the night.
“It was kinda fun. Plus, a change of scenery might be nice.” Levi shrugged as we walked toward Preston’s Jeep.
An hour later the four of us were walking into Shotz. The place didn’t seem seedy but it was definitely bigger than our little dive bar back home.
However, Shotz wasn’t some high class joint either. There was a dance floor, a long bar down one side, the DJ played music but TV’s were placed all around and showed Chicago’s hockey game. Black bar tables surrounded the dance floor and bar while lights flashed with the beat of the music over them.
The rest of the bar was dimly lit but all four of us scanned it in search of Emily and Meghan. The dance floor was filled with bodies, but I didn’t see Emily there. The tables were surrounded by people as well. Finally I spotted her sitting next to some asshole at the end of the bar, laughing. Her hand landed on his arm, and he was grinning at her in a way that made me seethe. Fuck, I was jealous.
I had no claim over Emily despite my intense attraction to her, but I wanted her to be with me, laughing with me, touching my arm. I wanted her eyes glittering with joy from the jokes I told her. That guy wouldn’t likely understand she didn’t often go out and she preferred to spend her nights at home. That she preferred the quiet of the library over the loud noises of the bar. That she had a thing for decor, enjoyed plants, and liked sci-fi shows. He would drain her mentally like a leech, sucking all of her energy away.
There were two things I could do. I could keep an eye on her like a stalker, or, go over there and surprise her. I could be bold and confident and approach them, right? I wanted her to be mine, and he was going to try to take her away from me. No. I would …
“Come on. That son of a bitch definitely doesn’t deserve her,” Levi interrupted my momentary mental pep talk as he strolled past me.
I followed Levi as we wove through the people and tables. My eyes stayed glued to Emily as we walked, and a growl rose up in my throat when the man ran the back of his fingers down her arm. I swallowed the growl down - determined not to scare Emily by becoming too possessive.
“Mitch, buddy!” Levi shouted as soon as we got close, the man sat back and squinted his eyes at us before they widened as Levi continued his greeting, “How’s the wife and kids, man?”
Every inch of my body demanded I punch the guy for having the audacity to hit on Emily while being fucking married. I glanced at Emily, who gave Mitch a shocked look.
“You’re married?” She shrieked.
“Oops.” But Levi didn’t look like he was all that upset about spilling the beans. Instead, he gave Mitch a disappointed look.
Mitch glanced between Levi and Emily, before saying, “I’m planning on leaving her. It’s just complicated right now.”
“Complicated? No, what’s complicating things is instead of, I don’t know … working on your marriage, you’re in a bar hitting on someone else.” Emily scoffed and gave him a disgusted look.
Mitch’s shoulders dropped as he stood from his chair and rolled his eyes. His stance took on more of a threatening vibe, and I stepped closer to Emily as my fists clenched.
“Whatever. You’d only be good for a quickie in the bathroom anyway, bitch,” Mitch sneered at Emily.
Much to my own surprise, Mitch collapsed to the floor after my fist connected with his cheek. I stood there for a second glaring at the cheating asshole before the pain from the punch I’d thrown finally registered in my brain.
“Ow!” I yelled, taking a step back and shaking out my hand.
My eyes went to Emily, who stared at me in shock, and … was that a little bit of admiration too? Shit. I wasn’t a violent person, and I sure as hell didn’t want Emily thinking I was. All I could think about was how nasty the man was to her, and I couldn’t fathom anyone being cruel toward her.
I wanted to say something to that effect, but my mouth and brain weren’t connecting. Instead my mouth opened and closed like a fish in front of her until I looked down to inspect my hand. It didn’t look bad, but it would likely be sore the next day.
“That’s why we don’t punch people!” Emily shouted, gesturing for my hand.
I lifted my hand to her and she looked at it, before asking, “Are you ok?”
She took my hand as she slipped from the stool. When the warmth of her palm met mine, electricity zapped through me. My adrenaline was running high but her touch had a calming effect on me. I never wanted to let go.
“I haven’t thrown a punch since I was sixteen, I forgot how much it can hurt,” I muttered.
Glancing at Levi, who was laughing loudly, I sighed before scowling at him. Mitch must have come alone, because thankfully, no one had stepped toward us to defend him. The last thing I wanted was to be involved in a bar brawl.