“I had an episode the other day,” he began. “I couldn’t control it.”
“Are you getting worse?”
He shook his head. “Actually, the opposite.”
Baikal lifted a brow. “Is that so? Maybe our ideas of better are different. You ended up spending the night with Madden. Did he help you out with more than just giving you a safe place to lay your head after the fact?”
“Yes. There’s a theory that he’s beneficial to my overall health,” Berga replied, opting to lean more toward the medical side of things. If he was able to explain in a clear-cut, professional way, perhaps he could convince Baikal this was fine. “He’s been surprisingly helpful toward my recovery.”
“I thought the doctors’ said recovery was unlikely?”
“They did. But not that it was impossible.”
Baikal hummed in understanding and swirled the contents of his glass.
Berga took a deep breath. “I’m seeing him. It’s…turned romantic.”
“So the rumors that you’re dating are true?” He didn’t seem surprised. “How serious is it? Are you only using him as a potential cure, or are you falling for him?”
Berga’s brow furrowed. “Flix asked me the same thing.”
“Let me guess, Flix told you to keep this from me.” Baikal snickered. “He’s one to talk. His relationship with the Shepard already threw a wrench into things. Now you? Have you all forgotten the point of the Satellite is to help me maintain balance and power, not disrupt it? I can’t keep up with you all. If not for Rabbit whispering things in my ear in all of your defense, I would have taken this to the mat at Friction and beaten some sense into both you and that wayward bestie of yours. Don’t think I’ve forgotten how you both kept his secret from me all this time.”
Berga hung his head. Flix’s secret had come out not too long ago, and he’d mostly escaped Baikal’s wrath due to circumstances, but he was right. “I apologize.”
“You were trying to protect him,” Baikal nodded. “I understand. It’s because he’s important to you when so few are. That’s the problem, Berga. Can you tell me you won’t resort to the same types of lies to protect Madden if things progress between you? If he becomes someone you care about…Your loyalty knows no bounds. You’re even willing to keep things from me.”
“Flix’s secret didn’t affect you,” he argued. “I knew it never would.”
“I should have been the one to make that call from the very beginning,” Baikal disagreed sharply. “That’s what being your Dominus means. I have the final say in all things—Don’t give me that look. I know you don’t like to be controlled, but you came here today knowing this wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation.”
Berga clenched his hands into fists at his sides but remained silent.
“I don’t care who you spend time with,” Baikal said. “But the second it interferes with Brumal business, you cut him off, understood? Right now, the elders are too busy picking apart the way I’m delegating positions within the corporate offices to bother listening to gossip, but once it reaches their ears, you better believe they’ll attempt to use this as a mark against me.”
“It shouldn’t matter who I’m fucking,” Berga stated, mildly annoyed even though he’d been prepared for that. “What dick I am or am not currently sitting on is no reflection of you as a leader.”
“Tell them that.”
“If it comes to it, I will.”
“They’ll only say you’re being argumentative, and I can’t control my people.” Baikal sighed. “You and Madden are an unlikely pair. Despite your weird fascination with his hair, that is. It’s the color, right? Reminds you of your favorite—and least favorite—something?”
Berga turned his hand palm side up absently. “It doesn’t feel anything like blood.”
“It wouldn’t.” Baikal clicked his tongue. “I’ve always let you do whatever you pleased, Butcher, but anything more than close friendship with one of the Retinue members can’t happen. Not right now, in any case. Maybe later, once I’ve appeased the elders enough to get them off my back, then you can make a life partner out of whoever—”
“Whoa,” Berga stopped him. “There’s been a misunderstanding.”
It wasn’t often that someone could make Baikal second guess himself, but the Dominus frowned. “Has there?”
“We’re having fun,” he stated. “Conducting an experiment, if you will. If it leads to something long-term, great, but nothing is truly ever permanent, and I’m not seeking out the impossible.”
“You don’t think Rabbit and I will last?”
Realizing his mistake, he winced. “No. Sorry. I misspoke.”
Baikal didn’t seem convinced. “Is Madden aware this is how you feel?”