“An accident at the Academy. A female cadet fell.”
Bay’s eyes widened. “Oh.”
“And yet…you were only locked into the delusion for an hour?”
“If even.”
“What about now? Are you feeling manic at all?”
Berga held out his arms. “Do I look like it, Be’tessi?” he used the proper term for a close older male and set his hands on his hips. “Fine. You’re right. My reactions around Madden are strange. It’s worth examining.”
“But shouldn’t you, as my friend, be trying to convince me not to further involve myself with a Retinue member?”
“The Retinue and the Satellite are under orders to get along anyway. What does it matter?”
“It matters.” Probably. Truthfully, as far as he knew, nothing like this had ever happened before. The closest anyone had come to getting physically involved had been Kazimir and Zane, and the two of them had merely been fucking on the sidelines. Even that had ended as soon as Kaz started dating Nate.
“I don’t bother myself with those affairs,” Bay waved him off. It was true, the closest he came to any involvement with either group were his friendships with Berga and Flix.
Berga’s multi-slate chimed and he gave up.
“Is that Nate? Are you going to meet with him now or take my suggestion?”
“If I don’t caffeinate myself, I’m going to slip someone something to see what color they throw up, so I’ll meet him now. But…” Damn it. “I’ll ask him about tomorrow as well.”
“I’m glad.” Bay smiled at him.
Chapter 13:
Madden hung out in his car on the outskirts of the smallest parking lot, tucked behind the Vail University art department. It was close enough to the medical department that he felt the need to remain in hiding, waiting for the man on the other end of his multi-slate to give him the all clear.
“Remind me why I’m stalking the Butcher and more than likely putting my life at risk by doing so?” Ledger’s droll tone came through the line. He was another member of the Retinue, and the first person Madden had thought of when he’d decided on this plan.
“I just need to make sure he stays off campus for a bit,” Madden replied. “Where is he?”
“Walking into the Velvet Brew around the corner from Vail.”
“He’s meeting someone.”
“Looks like Nate Narek.” Ledger blew out an annoyed breath. “Seriously, dude, what’s up? If word gets out you’re secretly keeping tabs on a Satellite member, there could be problems.”
“That’s why it’s not going to get out.” Reassured that he wouldn’t run into Berga now that the Butcher was away, Madden stepped out of his car and started for the office buildings.
“Yeah, as long as you keep your promise,” Ledger said.
“Which reminds me,” Madden drawled, “who’s this guy you’re suddenly willing to put in all this effort for?”
“What effort? You and I are friends. Friends do each other favors. So make sure you follow through on your end.”