Page 41 of Devil May Lie

“You’re more like Jekyll and Hyde than I am,” Berga insisted. “I only have one identity, you have two. Madden the King of the Docks, and Madden the Royal. I wonder which one is your Hyde and which is your Jekyll. It seems like it would be obvious, but I’ve found nothing about you really is.”

“Ironic,” Madden said. “That’s what I was going to say about you. How about I be Hyde and you be Jekyll.”

“That’s not at all how the story goes,” Berga stated. “They’re one in the same, even if neither of them choose to believe it. We are not the same person.”

“Of course not,” he agreed. “I’ve never wanted to fuck myself as much as I want to get inside of you.”

Berga rolled his eyes. “I’m not calling you Hyde.”

“That’s all right. I’ll happily call you Jekyll.”

He scrunched up his nose. “What a horrendous nickname. No one will even understand it.”

“Does anyone else have to?” Madden asked. “I’m pretty sure we’re all that matters here, Butcher.”

“Butcher, Berga, Jekyll,” he listed. “How many nicknames does a single person need?”

“Don’t forget baby.”

Berga splashed him then settled back in the tub, finally lying in the water with his head against the rim. For a moment, he grew quiet, staring up at the ceiling as the comfortable moment continued to stretch around them.

“Why haven’t you asked me?” Berga whispered finally, but he didn’t sound afraid or worried like he had earlier. His tone was calm and curious but nothing more.

Madden knew what he was referring to without needing him to explain. “I will.”


“When I’m certain you won’t fall apart if I do.”

The corner of his mouth tipped up. “Don’t hold your breath, Mad King.”

“Why not?” Madden moved to perch on the edge of the tub. “If I stop breathing long enough, you can give me mouth-to-mouth.”

Berga splashed him again.

The sound of his multi-slate chiming from where he’d set it on the sink counter had Madden groaning. In case it was important, he got up to check, scowling when he saw Kelevra’s name flashing across the screen.

“Don’t tell anyone we’re together,” Berga said, his eyes slipping shut.

Madden stared at him for a second but when he remained like that, gave up and answered the call with a growl. “What?”

“Pretty sure that’s no way to talk to your prince,” Kelevra’s voice came through the line, echoing in the bathroom.

“Is there a problem?” Since he hadn’t used the earbud, Madden stepped back into the bedroom to continue the conversation, sticking close enough to the open doorway he could hear Berga if…He wasn’t sure what. But the idea of leaving the Butcher alone when he’d been so messed up only a little while ago didn’t sit right with him. “Make it quick.”

“Why? Where are you?”

“Out.” He ran a hand through his hair, irritation already starting to prickle at him. He didn’t want it. He wanted the calm back from the moment before. Wanted that connection again. This might be his best friend on the phone, but whatever had passed between him and Berga just now had been unique. Special.

Madden wasn’t done exploring it yet.

“I heard there was a problem as soon as we parted ways at the Academy,” Kelevra said.

“Yeah. How is she?”


Madden pinched the bridge of his nose. He should have known Kel wouldn’t give a crap about an injured cadet. “What are you talking about?”