He was in trouble.
“I can’t do this.” He couldn’t risk it, was more like. Couldn’t allow himself to become a needy, wanting thing. The test may have been conclusive, but he was far from satisfied with the results.
Liking to bottom was one thing.
Needing Madden to top him was another.
This experiment, which was meant to have ended that night at the Docks, had gone on far too long, and there was only one solution to his problem he could see.
Berga was going to have to abstain. Until thoughts of Madden Odell no longer plagued his every waking thought, he couldn’t have sex, even with on his own hand. Then, things could go back to normal. Maybe he’d still crave anal sex, maybe not. Either way, he could find someone more suitable for the job if it came down to that. Later. Once this strange, forming attachment had been shredded and done away with.
Avoiding the Mad King would be easy enough. But his own mind…
His mind had been a traitor for as long as he could remember.
He just prayed this time wouldn’t be the case.
Chapter 6:
“You’re scaring the other cadets,” Kelevra drawled as the two of them passed down the main hallway of the Archer building, located in the furthest ring from the center of the school. The Academy on planet Vitality was designed that way, with most of the general buildings, like student aid and medical, located there.
Madden hummed but didn’t reply, barely noticing as a group of freshmen practically sealed themselves against the window to avoid being in his way as he walked by.
Kind of like how he’d had Berga up against one only a few days ago.
That now all too familiar irritation he’d been saddled with swept through him, and he bit the inside of his cheek. He’d rather be biting the Butcher.
The Butcher who’d been ignoring his calls.
Another detail driving him further into a state of absolute, all-consuming annoyance.
Fucking him again was meant to help, but instead it’d made everything worse. Now, instead of merely thinking about the other man, Madden found himself wanking off to thoughts of him in the shower.
And in bed.
And in the car.
There were things that needed his attention far more important than how it’d felt to pummel the Butcher. How tight he’d wrapped around his cock…How solid the weight of his body had felt beneath him…His smell…
Maybe there was something to that. Maybe the Butcher took something to turn his scent into an aphrodisiac itself. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d smelled anything that good, and he had a hefty collection of perfumes and colognes back home that should have put whatever Berga had been wearing to shame.
“You have dinner with your parents this weekend,” Kelevra said then. “Whatever is going on with you, I suggest you snap out of it before then. Your mother won’t take kindly to your distraction.”
No, his mother would view it as slacking off and then Madden wouldn’t hear the last of it. But then, the old hag was a control freak like that. The only reason Madden hadn’t been dragged back to the Odell mansion at blaster point was due to his friendship with the Imperial Prince. Kelevra was the only reason he was allowed any freedom from his family.
Otherwise, he might have ended up like Rebecca. In a job he hated, married to further their Royal bloodline.
Yeah. Not going to happen.
It wasn’t like Madden was holding out for something as ridiculous as love. It was more that he disliked his mom’s controlling nature, and refusing to marry the person she selected for him was the best middle finger he could think of giving her.
But dreading the upcoming monthly family dinners wasn’t anything new, meaning if even Kelevra was picking up on the change in Madden…He really did need to get his head out of his ass.
Or, off of Berga’s, as it were.
Off his perfectly round, incredibly tight and fuckable ass.