He helps me up off the couch and keeps his arm around my waist as we head to our rooms. We stop at Chester's door, which is where Culver is sleeping.
I yawn again. "Is it bad luck to hug your soon-to-be husband?"
He chuckles and pulls me into his solid body.
It's nice and warm and feels so good.
I'm still wearing his shirt.
Which is also nice and warm and feels so good.
We say goodnight and go into our rooms.
I fall asleep as soon as my face hits the pillow.
I'm still wearing his shirt.
The notification sound of a Vinaigrettes group chat rings in the air.
"What's that face?" Culver asks from the passenger seat.
"Nothing. This is my I'm focused while I'm driving face."
We're heading to Fresno.
It's D-day.
Or W-day.
Or FW-day, since it's a fake wedding, not a real one.
Culver's nonna knows someone at the county clerk's office there. We can have a civil ceremony, and thanks to her roping in a few of the other REDs, we also have the officiant and witnesses taken care of as well.
Culver was still a little worried about the whole wedding thing overtaking my hot girl summer plans until a few days ago when I reminded him that a road trip to Fresno was in fact on my list of things to do. That cheered him up, and while I wouldn't say he's looking forward to this, he has lightened up a bit.
I'm actually happy we're not getting married in Comfort Bay. It makes it less likely for word of this to spread. Culver's nonna swore the REDs to secrecy, and along with Culver's family, no one else knows what we're doing.
Including my girlfriends.
And that's how we both want it. No family, no friends attending, because this wedding is about as real as the manufactured drama on reality TV. Yes, I know those shows are most likely all fake, and no, that doesn't diminish my enjoyment of them one bit.
Another notification alert fills the Jeep.
"Someone's trying to get in touch with you," he says. "Is it one of the kids?"
"No. That sound is for the group chat I have with my friends. Don't worry. Everything's fine," I say, shooting him my everything's fine smile.
"If everything's fine, then why does your face look like the time you accidentally drank ketchup?"
"Sometimes it's annoying you know me so well."
He chuckles.
I flick my eyes over to him, and if I thought he was hot shirtless, he's even hotter in a suit.
Okay, maybe not hotter.